Ann Romney Senses 'Momentum' of Husband's Campaign

DAVENPORT, Iowa - Introducing her husband at an early morning rally to kick off the last full day of campaigning before the Iowa caucuses, Ann Romney told the crowd gathered today that she has a feeling about Romney's chances in Iowa, and it's a good one.

"This is a serious thing we're all coming to, I sense something happening as we've been going across Iowa," she said to the crowd of about 100. "I sense a feeling, a coalescing, a momentum or whatever it is you want to call it, around Mitt.

"And I think people are starting to figure out that this is the guy that is going to beat Barack Obama," Ann Romney said. "So we're sensing it, we're loving the turnout, we're loving the fact that you guys are cheering us on."

With the local weather stations reporting conditions that feel like 8 degrees outside, Ann Romney took it as another positive sign that people braved the cold to hear her husband speak.

"This is the way it's supposed to be," she said, flanked by three of her sons and her brother-in-law, Romney's older brother Scott. "The caucuses are supposed to be cold.

"If you get out today when it's freezing like this, you can get out tomorrow night so please folks," she urged, "Let's do this, let's do this tomorrow night."

Mitt Romney, who gave brief remarks to the crowd, urged supporters to help him clinch a win in the region as he did in 2008, when he carried the counties in eastern Iowa, where his bus tour will weave through today.

"Good to be back with you guys," he said. "This county was good to me last time around, you know that? This county, this county did good things for me last time around. I need you to get out and do that again with even more votes. … I hope we can get this go across the entire state."

But when offered some good luck on the rope line, he didn't refuse, telling the voter, "I may need that."