Battered Sen. John Kerry Injured in Hockey Game, Honors Bruins at White House - ABC News

Battered Sen. John Kerry Injured in Hockey Game, Honors Bruins at White House

Hockey is a rough sport; just ask Senator John Kerry, D-Mass.

The senator was attending a ceremony for his hometown hockey team, the Boston Bruins, at the White House today when he publicly debuted the remnants of his own hockey injury.

Kerry appeared to have two black eyes and a swollen nose. His senate office said the black and blue was caused by a nose injury during a hockey game the senator participated in recently.

"He's totally fine," Kerry spokeswoman Whitney Smith told ABC News, "Very ironically he busted his nose recently playing ice hockey, so the Bruins can certainly relate."

Hockey is a favorite sport of Senator Kerry's and he plays often. The Bruins were being honored in the East Room by President Obama for winning the Stanley Cup last June.