Callista Gingrich Promotes 'American Exceptionalism'

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. - The Gingrich campaign today released a second web video starring Callista Gingrich in an effort to give Newt Gingrich's wife more of a voice in her husband's Republican presidential bid.

The video features Callista Gingrich addressing "American exceptionalism," and shows pictures of her as a young child with her parents. The video also shows her childhood home as she speaks about her upbringing.

"Growing up in Whitehall, Wis., an all-American Midwestern town, it was impossible not to be instilled with a sense of patriotism," she said. "As a young person, I was surrounded by people who believed in the greatness of America and were unapologetic about those beliefs."

The video shows iconic U.S. scenes and also shows Gingrich, 45, in her signature pearl necklace, royal blue dress and perfectly groomed hair.

"When we know who we are as Americans, the way forward to defending and increasing our freedom becomes increasingly clear," Gingrich said. "It is my prayer that we work together to ensure that liberty and freedom prevail and that America remains an exceptional nation."

The first video released by the campaign featured her talking about her musical background. The video highlighted her playing the French horn and singing, as she talked about the importance of music education.

Gingrich has been more vocal on the trail in recent days, sitting down with her husband to talk to the media on the campaign bus in New Hampshire. She told them she became "nostalgic" campaigning in Iowa, where she attended Luther College. On one campaign stop, she introduced her husband at Mabe's Pizza in Decorah, Iowa, a restaurant that was a regular hangout for her. She said she became "emotional" after leaving the state.

Gingrich said she has been "encouraged" on the campaign trail and loves being by her husband's side on the trail. "It's been a tremendous experience, you know, just getting to know people across the country," she said.