Fact Checking Anti- Gingrich Ad from Romney Group

In our first installment of Spinners and Winners, we take a look at the fair, the unfair and the outrageous in the latest political ads. As get closer to the critical Florida primary on Jan. 31, the rhetoric and spin among the Republican hopefuls Florida is just plain vicious. Take the anti-Newt Gingrich ad from Mitt Romney's supporters meant to blunt the former Speaker's momentum. The pro-Romney Super PAC is spending $5 million on ads in Florida. But is the ad fair?

The ad has some elements of truth - the former Speaker was indeed fined for ethics violations and he did earn a large sum of money from the troubled mortgage giant Freddie Mac. Fair enough. But the ad goes way over the line when it says that Gingrich co-sponsored a bill in Congress with Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi that would give $60 million a year to a UN program supporting China's brutal one-child policy.

That's a lot of spin, but it's just not true.