Primary Day, Mitt Watches 'Mission Impossible', 'Firing' Squad, Media Mobs and Rick Santorum's Catholic Education (The PM Note)

Susan Archer / ABC News

Polls Close at 8 p.m. ET - We're ten hours into voting in New Hampshire. No projections 'til polls close, but preliminary exit polling is starting to roll in and electability looks to be a key. And the independents are going to be a force.

Exclusive - Mission Impossible: Romney spends primary day at the movies:

NH Time Lapse - These roadside sign people have got to be tired. Cool time-lapse from Jim Sicile: NH Media Swarms - check out this video of Jon Karl, the candidates and the media mob:

Everything tonight will be at , where we're already live. And where right now you can see our interviews today with four of the candidates (Jon Karl with Ron Paul, Jake Tapper with Rick Santorum and even a check-in with Buddy Roemer).

We'll also be live bloggin' returns with the good folks at Yahoo starting at 7:30 p.m. ET.

Mitt Romney seems to be a lock to win the New Hampshire primary - he's been polling at or around 40 percent. The question is by how much. And who gets second? As we've been reporting all week, this is go time

The Full Muskie - Not Likely - If Romney wins in New Hampshire after winning Iowa, no matter the level of support he gets tonight he'd have to tank hard to lose the nomination. The only person since 1972 to win both the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire Primary and then lose the nomination is Edmund Muskie.

The Full Ballot - Don't forget, it has 30 names.

Paul Defends Romney - "I think they're unfairly attacking him on that issue because he never really literally said that," Paul told Jon Karl.  "They've taken him way out of context. … He wants to fire companies."

GOP Defends Romney - With some notable exceptions (Rick Perry, John Huntsman) the rest of the GOP was not agitating to jump on Romney either, according to Chris Good.

Santorum Talks Blue Collar, Rust Belt Appeal - In an interview with ABC's Jake Tapper, Santorum said Romney's gaffe was "inarticulate," but he doesn't want to dwell on it. Santorum said he's more qualified than Romney to appeal to the new GOP.

Callista Speaks

Who will win? All in good fun, here are some predictions from ABC News staff -

Candidates Play the Predictions Game - Matt Negrin looks at what the campaigns are saying about their own chances. Mitt Romney wants to double his Iowa margin (ha ha):

The Early Story on Turnout - Light early, but records expected, per Chris Good and Elizabeth Hartfield:

The story from Dixville Notch - Romey v. Obama -

New Hampshire in Pictures Today - It was a mad house at Manchester's Ward 1, which was apparently the media's official polling place. There were swarms of reporters hounding candidates all day.  Be a fly on the wall:

Sweater Vest Swag - Santorum Raises Money Off Wardrobe Fame