Primary Eve, Romney's Right to 'Fire', Bain Drain, and Daley Out at WH (The PM Note)

It's New Hampshire Primary eve. Polls open at 6 a.m. ET - Two major nuggets today -  Bill Daley left as White House Chief of Staff and Mitt Romney said he likes "being able to fire people."

NH Expectations - Mitt Romney has held double-digit leads in every New Hampshire poll since April, save one, according to Chris Good. He's been at or near 40 percent this year. It's a fight for second for Huntsman, Paul, Santorum and Gingrich.

CoS Record - And a look at the record books shows Obama - with four! - has had more chiefs of staff than any other modern president at this point in his presidency. Most have less than four in two terms, per Devin Dwyer:

Fire at Will - Mitt Romney still seems likely to win big in New Hampshire tomorrow, but he had what could be one of those memorable moments that can define a candidate and a campaign today when he said, in the midst of an answer about insurance companies and health reform, the following words:

"I like being able to fire people."

That's not all he said and he wasn't speaking generally, but it is the section of the speech that Rick Perry's campaign quickly turned into a 12 second ringtone.

Jon Huntsman, surging in Iowa, told Jon Karl Romney is "out of touch." -

John Kerry was making a larger point when he said in 2004 that he did vote for that $87 billion war funding bill before voting against it. But that soundbyte was used to solidify the suggestion he was a "flip flopper."

For Romney, who everyone thought was going to face troubles over his own consistency, the sharper attacks have come because of his greatest asset - his success as a businessman.

Jake Tapper had already reported twice on ABC that Romney is having trouble responding to working class economic fears -

Romney vs. Gecko - Rick Klein explains it as Romney maybe having a "Gordon Gecko" problem.

Blue Collar GOP - Matt Dowd says people misunderstand that the modern GOP is not so full of corporate raiders. "While many still say the Republican party's base is that of Wall Street and corporate America and big business, the real base of the Republican Party has become much more about working class (especially white males) in rural and small town areas of the country.  This is where there is a great appeal of Sarah Palin's and Ron Paul's populist rhetoric attacking big government and corporate corruption and Wall Street excess.   This is where a big part of the anger of the Republican Party is and of the Tea Party movement."

Bain Drain - How an Asset Became a Line of Attack - Matt Negrin on how Romney's greatest résumé item was turned (and how it happened before in 1994). "Romney made his vast fortune and stellar business reputation as a creator of jobs, an accumulator of human and financial wealth through his leadership of Bain Capital. But he did it through the little-understood world of venture capitalism, which involves a concept Romney himself has called "creative destruction." It's that record that helped sink Romney in his 1994 campaign for Senate. Sen. Ted Kennedy and his fellow Democrats made famous paper-factory workers who lost their jobs while Bain owned the company. Obama is poised to reprise that playbook, should Romney emerge as the nominee.

Air War - The Romney-as-corporate raider meme will be saturating South Carolina soon. There's more than $5 million in negative ads headed for the South Carolina airwaves. Both from Gingrich's SuperPAC, hitting Romney on some of these very points,  and from Romney's.

Quick Hit - Get the latest in Hampshire from ABC's Steven Portnoy and Aaron Katersky, who for all we know were broadcasting from the Red Arrow Diner and eating crab cakes with Boston Cream Pie.

Twofer - Jon Karl interviewed Jon Huntsman and Newt Gingrich in New Hampshire today Newt - South Carolina or Bust - Huntsman - Romney's "Firing" Comment Show's He's "Completely Out of Touch" -

Ron Paul: Too Much Media - The press release noone ever expected to get from Jesse Benton apologizes for a media frenzy that erupted at a Ron Paul event this morning.

Bill Daley resigned as Chief of Staff and we learned the news today, just before a 3pm news conference on the appointment of OMB Director Jack Lew to the position.

Disputed Texas Map at SCOTUS - ABC's Ariane de Vogue reports: The congressional map is wreaking political havoc in Texas and on Monday the Supreme Court waded into the controversy, hearing arguments on who should decide where four new Texas congressional districts should be located. The justices tried to float possible fixes to disputes relating to redistricting maps in the state, but acknowledged they were working under tight deadlines caused by the upcoming 2012 general election. The case has already caused officials to move the state's primary because the state government can't .

Independents Day? - ABC's Huma Khan: Forty percent of voters identified themselves as politically independent in 2011, according to a new Gallup poll released today, the highest number recorded in the poll yet. The previous high for independents was 39 percent in 1995 and 2007. Democrats won both presidential races in the following years. Independent voters are an increasingly important voting bloc. They have outnumbered both Democrats and Republicans continuously for the past two and a half years, by far the longest period in which they've done so in ABC News-Washington Post polls dating back to 1981. Gallup's recent poll bears mixed news for the two parties. While the gap between those who identified as Democrats and those who said they were Republicans widened to 4 percent, more independents appeared to lean toward the Republican Party than to the Democratic Party and the split between the two was equal.