Mitt Romney Defends Free Enterprise During S.C. Campaign Stop

AIKEN, S.C. - At a rally in western South Carolina today, Romney defended free market principles, telling the group of 300 gathered in a university's gymnasium that the answer to creating jobs is "not to walk away from free enterprise."

"A lot of people want to talk about how we create jobs," Romney told the crowd at the University of South Carolina-Aiken.

"By the way, it's not to walk away from free enterprise," Romney said."It's not to say that there's something wrong with the free market system. No, instead, it's to hold fast to that system and make it work for the American system."

While the attacks on his record at Bain Capital have worn off in recent days, Romney's assertion on the trail that free enterprise is what will turn the economy around has not gone away.

"This has been such a defined race, between those that believe in freedom and free enterprise and the pursuit of happiness and opportunity and merit and those who believe in a European social welfare state," Romney said. "And that's the choice America is going to have to make."