Snarky Tweet from Ron Paul's Twitter Account Fired at Jon Huntsman, Deleted

During the Iowa caucuses tonight it wasn't just the wind sending a chill into the hearts of presidential candidates.

At 8:30 p.m., just after entrance polls started pouring in, Ron Paul tweeted a snarky shot at fellow Republican candidate Jon Huntsman.

" @jonhuntsman we found your one Iowa voter, he's in Linn precinct 5 you might want to call him and say thanks," read the tweet that came from Paul's verified Twitter account.

The tweet from Paul's account was deleted within half an hour of its being sent, but ABC News captured a screenshot.

Screenshot from Twitter

Huntsman has foregone campaigning in Iowa, instead stumping in New Hampshire. At his 150th appearance there, he told ABC News' Susan Archer tonight that instead of watching the caucuses, "I'll have to see if 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' is on tonight."

UPDATE: The tweet was then reposted around 9 p.m.