Obama: 'Always Something We Can Do' to Create Jobs - ABC News

Obama: 'Always Something We Can Do' to Create Jobs

EVERETT, Wash. - In his weekly address, taped inside the world's largest building at the Boeing Plant here, President Obama reprised a call for Congressional action aimed at boosting productivity and employment at U.S. manufacturers.

"In America, there's always something we can do to create new jobs and new manufacturing and new security for the middle class," Obama said. "In America, we don't give up, we get up."

Obama heralded the resurgence of the U.S. manufacturing sector, led by companies like Boeing, the nation's largest exporter, and projected a sense of economic optimism that he channeled all week on a West Coast swing.

"America is more productive than ever," Obama said. "And companies like Boeing are realizing that even when we can't make things cheaper than China, we can make things better.  That's how we're going to compete globally."

Underscoring a theme from his State of the Union address that's also become part of his pitch for a second term, Obama said companies need new tax incentives to keep the momentum going.

"It's time to stop rewarding businesses that ship jobs overseas, and start rewarding businesses that create jobs here in America," he said. "And Congress should send me that kind of tax reform right away."

Read more: Fact Check - Obama and the Resurgence of American Manufacturing