Santorum Inside Out, Obama's '5 More Years', Convention Fight Over/Under, Huntsman's Rant, George Costanza (PM Note)

ABC News' Z. Byron Wolf ( @zbyronwolf) and Alexa Keyes report:

Santorum's Pretzel Logic - How he found himself praising Arlen Specter, defending earmarks, and generally tying himself in knots -

Oscar Prep - Our Staff Picks for Political Movies (many of them are bad).

Convention Prep - George Stephanopoulos says the notion of a brokered convention excites  journalists, but ain't happenin' -

Generation Prep - "The Next Generation is Completely Screwed" - Former presidential candidate Jon Hunstman said the GOP lacks vision and calls for the rise of a third party in an interview with MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Thursday. Says U.S. needs a third party.

Polling Notes: Gas and Gingrich -

Obama Apology to Afghanistan Criticized by Gingrich, Palin -

Cocky - Obama Says He's Got "Another 5 Years coming up" to solve immigration -

Who Leaked Stimulus Memo? - Jake Tapper sees some digital fingerprints that point the finger to Peter Orszag as leaker of a document to journalist  -

Adjunct Law Prof. Sen. Arlen Specter - "There are More Important Things to Talk About Than Me:" - In last night's debate, Romney tried to blame Specter - and by proxy, Santorum, who supported Specter when he was still in the GOP - for ObamaCare.

The Real George Costanza Gives Mitt Romney a Piece of His Mind - Romney said at debate: "That's good enough. As George Costanza would say, when they're applauding, stop. Right?" This primary won't let him, tho -

Attack Ads Hit Michigan Airwaves - Just in time for the Michigan primary, the Obama campaign launches an attack ad hitting Romney on the auto bailout.

Be Kind, Rewind - Romney '12 SuperPAC Ad Resembles Romney'07 Campaign Ad -

Around the World With Foster Friess - Santo benefactor is suddenly on an around-the-world trip with his wife. Santorum spoke at SuperPAC Fundraiser without him.

Reminder - candidates can speak at fundraisers for superPAC's they're legally barred from cooperating with.

7 States Sue Over Contraception Mandate -

Meet The Woman Iced by Issa - The contraception controversy continues today as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi convened an unofficial hearing featuring all Democratic lawmakers. Sandra Fluke, the woman snubbed by the GOP last week, was the sole witness at today's hearing.

Corporations Are People (For Now) - Mitt Romney and the Supreme Court have already ruled on this question. But two Justices hope to revisit the 2010 Citizens United decision.

Mixing Metaphors: Be a Team Player or Go With Your Gut? -Today Romney sunk his teeth into Santorum's admission that he voted "against his principles" while he was in Washington. "You know I don't know if I've ever seen a politician explain in so many ways why it was he voted against his principles," said Romney. "I can tell you one thing if I'm president of the United States I will abide by my principles and my team will be the people of the United States of America."

Marco Rubio - Tea Party darling, staunch conservative, and converted Mormon? Matt Negrin on the Florida Senator's Mormon roots -

Wikileaks Arraignment - Serena Marshall reports on the arraignment of Bradley Manning, the U.S. Army private accused of one of the biggest leaks of intelligence documents in the military's history. Manning has been formally charged on 22 counts including aiding the enemy, but his lawyers deferred entering a plea until a later date. He is suspected of giving hundreds of thousands of secret documents to the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks.