'THIS WEEK' This Week - 2/19/12

On "This Week," this week, we spoke with the 2008 GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who was in Kabul.

Then we talked to Obama campaign senior adviser Robert Gibbs:

(One note: I misstated the $100 billion in deficit spending from the payroll tax continuation. The money is repaid to the Social Security Trust Fund by general revenues - so the deficit increases, but it does not come out of the Social Security Trust Fund. My apologies for getting that wrong.)

On the roundtable, George Will, Dee Dee Myers, Lou Dobbs, Clarence Page, and Jon Karl discussed the Michigan primary:

and the rise of Jeremy Lin…

Plus ABC News' John Berman offered a spot on how the campaign has gone to the dogs.

We took some of your questions on Your Voice This Week:

And the gang continued the conversation in the Green Room:

Thanks for watching! George Stephanopoulos will be back next Sunday.

- Jake Tapper