During Google Hangout, Romney Assails 'Obamacare,' Says Campaign is 'Demanding' - ABC News

During Google Hangout, Romney Assails 'Obamacare,' Says Campaign is 'Demanding'

CHICAGO - During an online Google hangout session this afternoon, Mitt Romney was asked questions by voters that seemed to be inspired by his own campaign speech, fielding questions that Romney discusses nearly every day on the trail, including his opposition to health care and high gas prices.

Jay Godfrey from Clemmons, N.C., asked Romney, how he would go about repealing President Obama's health care policy, an issue Romney talks about daily during his campaign stops.

"The best course is to repeal Obamacare and presumably that would be done if the Republican house and a Republican senate, if we could get enough votes there," said Romney. "It's even possible that people take a closer and closer look at Obamacare and get a sense of how it's going to change their healthcare that they're attitude and sentiment become so negative that there's a mood in the country that convinces Democrat(ic) senators as well as Republicans that Obamacare is the wrong course and we need to stop it and then go back and reshape health care policy," said Romney.

"Why do I find Obamacare so objectionable?" said Romney. "My list of objections are long, from the tax hikes to the cut in Medicare to 500 billion dollar cut in Medicare by the way to the imposition on the catholic church against the conscious of Catholics providing products or healthcare products that are in violation of the churches teachings."

"I mean there are so many things I don't like about Obamacare but one in particular was brought home by Sen. Marco Rubio who said even if it was a good piece of legislation, which it's not, even if it were we really need to stop Obamacare because we can't afford it," said Romney.

In addition to talking about health care and repeating his call for the Obama administrations so-called " Gas trio" to step down in light of rising gasoline prices, Romney gave a more lighthearted look into what life is like on the campaign trail.

Romney said he had attended a fundraiser this morning in Chicago but beforehand had realized that he had no clean shirts, resulting in him washing his own shirt in the sink.

"It took 20 minutes to iron it out dry," he said.

Romney said that since Christmas, he and his wife Ann have been at home just once, spending the remaining nights on the road.

"A lot of hotel nights, a lot of frequent flyer points if you will at the hotels by virtue of traveling around the country," he said.

"The campaign trail it's quite an experience, it's more demanding than I think people would expect," said Romney.

The Google hangout, the second that Romney has done this campaign cycle, was moderated by one of his campaign advisers Kevin Madden. Romney toured Google's Chicago headquarters following the question and answer session.