PM Note: Clooney Day, Alterna-Mitt, On to Puerto Rico, Illinois, Santorum's War on Porn

Alterna-Mitt - Pun of the Day - Mitt Romney riffed on President Obama's call for a renewed focus on alternative energy by saying he's going to focus on an "alternative" president.

The puns were especially good today at OTUS News.

Next Contests - Sat - Missouri, which has no winner, Sun - Puerto Rico, which isn't a state, and Tues - Illinois, home of President Obama

Health Arguments This Month  - Behind the Veil - Why Justices Won't Allow Cameras in the Court -

Arizona Law Reignites Birth Control Debate -

George Clooney Spent the Morning in DC Jail - Protesting Sudan with activists, civil rights leaders, and some Congressmen, the actor and his dad were arrested outside the Sudanese embassy this morning.

He paid $100 bucks and was released - settling the legal matter - just after 2 p.m.

Reports Jon Karl - "According to Fred Kramer, Clooney had to surrender his shoe laces and his belt before entering the cell (apparently, like Officer Obey of Alice's Restaurant fame, they don't want any hangings)."

Karl Talks to Clooney After Arrest -

For all things Clooney (Slideshows! Photos! Interviews!) -

It's hard to even find a wire story on what's actually going on over in Sudan today. Here's a recent UNHCR report -

Santorum Wants War on Pandemic of Porn - Amy Bingham takes a look at the slide rule of social issues he's brought into the conversation in 2012 - Leave it to Rick Santorum to pick a new social issue of the day that will clog the political conversation. He's made controversial statements about abortion, women in combat, religion - now pornography.

Santorum: "I don't know what the hubbub about that is. We have a president who is not enforcing the law, and we will."

Campaigning in Puerto Rico - Not a State - Romney and Santorum campaigned to be president of These United States… in a place that's not a state - Matt Jaffe, who splits time with Univision, on how statehood factors -

Romney Won't Make English Precondition for Statehood -

But Defends Sotomayor Criticism -

Michael Falcone Interviews Luis Fortuno - caught between his friend Rick Santorum and his endorsed candidate Mitt Romney -

OBL Plotted to Kill Obama, Petraeus -

Obama will go to Oklahoma on Keystone Pipeline He Iced -

WH Stands By Obama Opposition to Freeing Yemeni Journalist -

#FF - Fundraising Frenzy - Michelle Obama in Minnesota and President Obama in Chicago and Atlanta will hold six events and raise a combined $5.6 million for Democrats and the president's re-election campaign.

Obama Wants Lincoln's Vision to "Rub Off" on GOP In Illinois on Tuesday -

Lopsided Illinois Primary: Santorum Faces 7-to-1 Spending Imbalance Against Romney Forces - Falcone - The closing days of the Illinois primary have brought an onslaught of television and radio advertising from Mitt Romney and his super PAC allies - most of it aimed squarely at squashing Rick Santorum's hopes of pulling off an upset in next Tuesday's primary. Romney's campaign has spent 1 million in illinois  Even more firepower is coming from the pro-Romney super PAC, Restore Our Future, which has purchased roughly $2.5 million worth of airtime ahead of the primary. Compared to Romney's all-in approach, Santorum's campaign and the pro-Santorum super PAC, the Red, White and Blue Fund, have merely dipped their toe into the political waters of the Land of Lincoln.  Santorum and the super PAC are spending just over half a million dollars in the state - the campaign has invested about $200,000 and the super PAC kicked in roughly $310,000 more.

Langer - Link Between Religion and Politics More Prevalent in GOP Primaries -