Rick Santorum Needs a W, Hashtag Warfare, What Women Want, The Buddy Romer and Fred Karger Surge (PM NOTE)

Rick's Turn - On Illinois Eve, Rick Klein's analysis is that there has been a lot of questioning why Mitt Romney can't seal the GOP deal. But its an equally important question why Rick Santorum can't take off. Kicker from Klein - "It may be Santorum's last best shot to prove that he's a contender, not merely a potential spoiler." http://abcn.ws/yiLjhc

Romney's Economic Pitch - From Emily Friedman in Chicago - Romney accused President Obama of allowing regulators to "multiply like rabbits" that have, in turn, stifled Americans' economic freedom. While Romney has laid out specifics of his own economic plan in the past, promising to shrink the government by eliminating costly programs or turning them over to the states, he fell short of such details today, speaking more generally about what he will do if he's elected to "restore economic freedom."

Election Key to 2012: What Women Want - Matt Negrin uses an old Eleanor Roosevelt quote to get into this one. "In 1933, Eleanor Roosevelt wrote her first book as first lady and called it "It's Up to the Women." The book wasn't necessarily about politics, but in it she challenged the female population to reach for new goals and seek purpose…. It would be an exaggeration to say that female voters are the only important bloc in the election, but observers of women's role in politics predict that in a close race - either in a primary or in the general election - women will make the difference." -  http://abcn.ws/FSxDa7

Hashtag Warfare -

"#haveyounoseamus?" http://abcn.ws/FRHQo9

vs. "#Mittzkreig" - http://abcn.ws/FSQMda

One is from a Santorum adviser and criticizes Mitt Romney, yet again, over the transportation of his dog on the roof of a car in the 1980s. The other, via David Axelrod, had drawn complaints from Jewish Republicans. We're now accepting suggestions for what hashtag Mitt Romney should use to fire back.

Gloves Off - Santorum Says Romney "Abandoned Freedom" - Arlette Saenz reports: "Standing before a statue of a young Ronald Reagan saddled atop a horse, Rick Santorum harkened back to Reagan's message of freedom as he lambasted Mitt Romney for being a governor who "abandoned freedom." http://abcn.ws/FQ5UuL

Leaving No Delegate Behind (Except the Ones He Failed to File to Get on the Ballot For) - Santorum Keeps up Michigan Pressure - http://abcn.ws/FS95RY

In the Line of Fire - Jake Tapper talks Secret Service and defending the President with Dan Emmett, author of a new book -  http://abcn.ws/zBFqxP

Economic 'Lightweight' vs. 'Wall Street Financier' - Which is worse? http://abcn.ws/FQ9aah

2/3 of Americans Dislike Healthcare Mandate - http://abcn.ws/FRZ3Te

The Buddy Roemer and Fred Karger Surge - They've been also-rans all along, but Buddy Roemer and Fred Karger are both ahead of Ron Paul in Puerto Rico. Roemer is ahead of Paul and Gingrich -  Puerto Rico was so decisive in it's support for Romney. But how did a gay Republican candidate - in a party where most other candidates support an constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage - best Ron Paul? -  http://abcn.ws/FRKecZ

Polite Mitt Romney - "I joke, and I don't mean to be flip with this but I, because I actually see truth in it, I don't see how a young American could vote for a, well could vote for a Democrat," Romney said. "I apologize for being so offensive in saying that but I catch your attention but I mean that, in the humor there is some truth there. I say that for this reason. That party is focused on providing more and more benefits to my generation and amounting trillion-dollar annual deficits my generation will never pay for. http://abcn.ws/FQnTDw

Medicare Distinction - Remember last year there was a difference between the Ryan plan and the Ryan budget? This year, Ron Wyden explains there's a difference between the bipartisan Ryan-Wyden plan, which would embolden supporters of a more privatized Medicare system, and the House budget, which Wyden says he hasn't read and doesn't support. - http://huff.to/FQ5Xqt

Warlords and Strongmen - http://abcn.ws/FS954m

501 Blues - Romney Pants Size Revealed - http://abcn.ws/wsvR66

34 inches is smaller than the circumference of this pancake - http://abcn.ws/FPWPhX

Obama's NCAA Bracket is in 98th Percentile - http://abcn.ws/FRKdWu

Obama Fundraising with Bowling, Cocktails and De Niros - http://abcn.ws/FRtDvk