Gingrich Campaign $4.3 Million In Debt, Filings Show

Newt Gingrich owed $4.3 million in debt by the end of March, his monthly FEC filing shows.

The Gingrich campaign only took in $1.6  million in March - $1 million less than it did in February. The campaign spent $2 million, and reported having only $1.2 million cash on hand at the end of the month.

The campaign's list of debts and obligations is long, but Gingrich owes the most money to Moby Dick Airways Ltd., a private charter company based in Sterling, Virginia. The campaign owes the company roughly $1 million. The second largest debt is owed to Patriot Group Security Services; filings show that the Gingrich campaign owes the company $449,502.

Gingrich also owes himself $271,775 - money that was listed as being for travel.

In addition, the March debt report is filled with typical campaign expenses - travel, consulting fees, legal fees, media production, ballot access fees, etc., are all listed as expenditures.