Mitt Romney Makes Fun of Obama Campaign Slogan During High-Dollar Fundraiser - ABC News

Mitt Romney Makes Fun of Obama Campaign Slogan During High-Dollar Fundraiser

ARLINGTON, Va. - Mitt Romney this evening, speaking to a group of high-dollar donors at the Ritz-Carlton hotel, poked fun at President Obama's newly unveiled campaign slogan, "Forward," remarking, "Forward, what, over the cliff?"

At first, Romney seemed to muddle the president's campaign slogan, according to an Associated Press report from the event.

"His new slogan is: Progress. No, forward. Forward! That's it! Progress would be better. I might use that one myself, actually," said Romney.

The fundraiser, where donors could pay anywhere from $2.500 to $10,000 depending on the access they wanted to the candidate, marked the first of its kind at which the campaign allowed any kind of access to the media. Traditionally, presumptive presidential nominees open their fundraisers to the media.

Two print reporters were allowed inside the hotel on behalf of the rest of the national print journalists and were able to hear only Romney's remarks at the general reception, but could not sit in on several smaller meetings the presumptive GOP candidate had with donors who forked over the most money.

No television networks were permitted to attend with video cameras and were kept at bay outside the hotel, relegated to a sidewalk across the street.

Romney, who delivered his standard stump speech to the general reception, was accompanied by Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife, Maureen McDonnell. Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, another Romney supporter, was also at the event, as was senior adviser, Ed Gillespie, and Romney's policy director, Lanhee Chen.

Romney's newly appointed Virginia state director, Sara Craig, attended, as well.