Obama's 'Choom Gang', Biden's Personal Admission, Romney's 'Phantom' Car Elevator (PM Note) - ABC News

Obama's 'Choom Gang', Biden's Personal Admission, Romney's 'Phantom' Car Elevator (PM Note)

  Obama and His Pot-Smoking 'Choom Gang' - The notion that President Obama has smoked pot is nothing new, but as Jonathan Karl writes, "a soon-to-be published biography by David Maraniss titled  "Barack Obama: The Story" gives more detail on Obama's so-called pot-smoking days, complete with testimonials from young Barry Obama's high school buddies, a group that went by the name "the Choom Gang." "Choom" was slang for smoking marijuana."  

  Joe Biden Reflects on Grief - The VP gave an incredibly moving speech on losing his wife and daughter  and his own suicidal thoughts in front of families who have lost loved ones in war.

Birthers Are Still Real, Still Here - Matt Negrin reports: Whether it's Donald Trump or the Arizona secretary of state, it's clear that there are people who will never be convinced  the president was born in Hawaii. 

The Sound of Wrist-Slapping on the Hill - Senate Ethics Committee admonishes Sen. Tom Coburn  for "improper conduct" and Coburn responds. 

  Middle-Class Problems - Amy Walter weighs in on why understanding the middle class is key to this election and takes a look at the two swing states that may determine its outcome.

   I see London, I see France - David Beckham has "a big box" of underwear   to give to Barack Obama. 

  Penthouse Owner on Clinton - Skin mag owner says Bill Clinton should be left alone  about photo with porn stars.

Politically Foul with John Berman - Obama's Olympics gaffe and other goofs  this week.

Shushannah Walsh on the Veep Beat - Jeb Bush remarks on gay marriage debate.

  Mormon 101 - Here's the minimum you need to know about members of the Church of LDS. No, caffeine is not explicitly banned!

Here's what Mitt Romney's home car elevator will look like: http://abcn.ws/KpUEpJ

Political Tweets of the Week - Abby Huntsman likes free slurpees, Marco Rubio jokes about his Spanish and more.