Holy Shirt, It's a T Party - ABC News

Holy Shirt, It's a T Party

Glenn Beck Shop | Obama for America

The health care battle has grown and grown, and now it's going to shrink in your dryer.

Yes, that's right, the debate over the government's power to make you buy health insurance has climbed from the appellate courts to the Supreme Court, and now after a landmark ruling, it's reached the platinum level of public discourse: kitschy T-shirts.

Teeing off of Joe Biden's famous aside that signing the health care bill was a "big f-ing deal," President Obama's campaign has a new shirt that says, "HEALTH REFORM STILL A BFD."

OK, so it's not subtle, but it is unisex and 100 percent cotton. And made in the USA! And $30.

Glenn Beck has his own shirt for righties. It has a picture of the face of Chief Justice John Roberts in shades of yellow and the word "COWARD" below it. Take that! It's also $30. (Unless you're XX-Large, in which case it's $31; or XXX-Large - then it's $32. That's how they get you.)