Speech, Rinse, Repeat in Ohio, T-Paw Returns, The War on Catfish, Giant Cupcake Tank (PM Note)

Imagining What $40k Gets You at SJP's House - http://abcn.ws/Mu8mcm (Negrin) What it really gets you - http://abcn.ws/KqnicE (Dwyer)

Christie, Obama to Tour World Trade Center Together Tonight - New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie might be at the top of most veepstakes lists, but it won't be Mitt Romney with whom he's appearing today. Instead, he will tour One World Trade Center this afternoon with Romney's rival, President Obama. http://abcn.ws/L7z4Il (Shushannah Walshe)

Happy Flag Day - Here's a cool infographic - What country is the top importer of American flags? http://abcn.ws/M7Jdm0

Happy Birthday, Army - Here's a Giant Cupcake Tank - http://abcn.ws/M8T2jB

The News:

Just Added - TPaw - Romney's Bus Tour Turns Into VP Tryout Extravaganza- Mitt Romney's five-day, six-state bus tour is shaping out to be a series of auditions for potential vice presidential candidates. http://abcn.ws/K5Akrk (Emily Friedman)

The Ohio Reset Button - In Ohio, Romney held and campaign event. Obama gave what sounded to Mary Bruce like a State of the Union address.

It wasn't really the showdown we had expected.

Romney continued to say the president has ruined the economy. "Talk is cheap!" Obama continued to say he's cleaning up Republicans' mess.

The reframing of the race and the president's economic message took 54 minutes and included most of the talking points he's been using already. There was some soaring rhetoric, like when he told voters only they can end the stalemate in Washington.

But the most interesting part came when he accurately summarized the race for the next few months. Money, TV ads, demonizing. That sounds about right. He didn't mention it'd be that way on both sides. http://abcn.ws/LXLwYp

Obama: This November is your chance to render a verdict on the debate over how to grow the economy, how to create good jobs, how to pay down our deficit. Your vote will finally determine the path that we take as a nation not just tomorrow, but for years to come. When you strip everything else away, that's really what this election is about. That's what is at stake right now. Everything else is just noise. Everything else is just a distraction. From now until then, both sides will spend tons of money on TV commercials. The other side will spend over a billion dollars on ads that tell you the economy is bad, that it's all my fault - (laughter) - that I can't fix it because I think government is always the answer, or because I didn't make a lot money in the private sector and don't understand it, or because I'm in over my head, or because I think everything and everybody is doing just fine. http://abcn.ws/K610rL

Romney: I happen to believe the principles that made the powerhouse we economically are have been eroded by this president. I think he's made it harder for small business people to open their doors, for entrepreneurs to build businesses, for companies like this to know that their products won't be stolen by competitors overseas. I think he's made it harder for the American enterprise system to work and I want to change that. I want to make it once again, America once again the most attractive place in the world for job creators and it's not just because I love job creators it's because I love jobs. http://abcn.ws/LOkUNk

Can Obama Shake His June Doldrums and Reframe Campaign? Can Romney Capitalize? - George Stephanopoulos lays out game plans for both sides - http://abcn.ws/Nl2uW2

6 Political Clicks for Lunch http://abcn.ws/MtMMok

An Evolution: 16 Months of Hillary Clinton on Syria - http://abcn.ws/M8u41y

John McCain Goes to War on Catfish - And 9 Other Pieces of Pork in the Farm Bill - http://abcn.ws/LoSfdy

Ben Affleck, Hillary Clinton Lobby for World Child Survival- Political and Hollywood royalty came together today as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and movie star Ben Affleck spoke at a conference in Washington D.C. focused on helping kids around the world live to see their fifth birthday. This year more than 7 million children, mostly in Africa, will die before reaching that milestone. http://abcn.ws/LHT8Qg (Dana Hugues)

Ariz. Gov. Jan Brewer Preps Police for SCOTUS Ruling- http://abcn.ws/MJK0sD (Ariane de Vogue)

White House Forgets to Pay Father's Day Lunch Tab- Amid the bustle of President Obama's surprise stop for barbecue Wednesday the White House apparently overlooked one key detail: the bill. Celebrating Father's Day early, the president had lunch with two service members and two local barbers at Kenny's BBQ on Capitol Hill. http://abcn.ws/M80aNj (Mary Bruce)

Scott Walker: Romney Could Win Wisconsin, Needs Plan - When Gov. Scott Walker won the Wisconsin recall election on June 5, political spectators began to argue that Wisconsin could be a potential pick-up state for Romney in the fall. The Badger state's Republican governor and newly crowned conservative hero on the national scale says he believes it's possible- but Romney will need more than just a party affiliation. http://abcn.ws/OIzEMk (Elizabeth Hartfield)

Romney Bases New Attack Ad Against Obama on 2008 Obama Ad Against McCain - Mitt Romney's new TV ad against President Obama's "the private sector's doing fine" remarks deliberately copies style, tone, and even font from then-Senator Obama's 2008 ad against Sen. John McCain's remarks that "the fundamentals of our economy are strong." http://abcn.ws/K4VWUy (Jake Tapper)

Romney Plan for Pre-existing Conditions Draws Dem Fire - Mitt Romney this week has been highlighting his opposition to Obamacare, telling voters and donors of his eagerness to see the U.S. Supreme Court strike the law down and a willingness to do the deed from the White House if the court does not. http://abcn.ws/MQDQtY (Devin Dwyer)