The Note's Must-Reads for Friday, June 8, 2012

The Note's Must-Reads are a round-up of today's political headlines and stories from ABC News and the top U.S. newspapers. Posted Monday through Friday right here at

Compiled by ABC News' Jayce Henderson and Amanda VanAllen

PRESIDENT OBAMA: The Hill's Jonathan Easley: " Obama campaign goes after Romney's personal finances" The Obama campaign went hard after Mitt Romney's personal finances in a conference call on Thursday, ripping the presumptive Republican nominee for saying he would only move his holdings into a federal blind trust if he's elected president. LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Michael Memoli: " Bill Clinton 'very sorry' about tax remarks, agrees with Obama" Bill Clinton said Thursday that he's "very sorry" for comments he made days earlier that appeared to undermine President Obama's position on extending certain tax rates, chalking it up to a misunderstanding over when lawmakers needed to act ahead of a looming "fiscal cliff." LINK

The New York Daily News: " The silent issue that could doom President Obama in 2012 election" There will be so many things to talk about with Obama vs. Romney from here to November, but the one that nobody will want to talk about very much in polite society, even in what has a chance to be the meanest presidential campaign for all times, is race. LINK

The Washington Times' Susan Crabtree: " Obama team calls Romney blind trust 'not-so-blind'" The Obama campaign launched an attack on Mitt Romney's personal finances Thursday, this time arguing that his Republican rival's blind trust for his $250 million fortune is "not so blind." LINK

MITT ROMNEY / GOP: ABC News' Shushannah Walshe: " Jeb Bush Says Mitt Romney Should Pick Marco Rubio, Strays on Immigration" Jeb Bush gave an impassioned endorsement of fellow Floridian Marco Rubio, advising Mitt Romney to pick him as his running mate and describing him as "the most articulate conservative elected official on the scene today," and even spoke of the "great pride" he has for the U.S. senator from his home state. "Marco Rubio is my favorite [choice], because we have a close relationship," the former Florida governor told Charlie Rose in an interview that aired on his PBS show Thursday evening. LINK

USA Today's Jackie Kucinich: " Romney, Republicans outraise Obama, Democrats in May" Romney, Mitt Romney and the Republican National Committee raised a combined $76.8 million in May, they reported Thursday, about $17 million more than President Obama and Democrats collected. LINK

Wall Street Journal's Daniel Lippman: " Poll: Romney Closes Gap in Michigan" A new poll of Michigan voters shows the presidential race in that state is essentially tied with Republican candidate Mitt Romney at 46% to President Barack Obama's 45%. The results from polling firm EPIC-MRA indicate that the race has tightened since EPIC's last poll in April had Obama ahead at 47% with Romney at 43%. LINK

The Washington Post's Dan Eggen and Philip Rucker: " Mitt Romney's fundraising outpaces President Obama's in May" Mitt Romney's campaign fundraising significantly outpaced President Obama's effort for the first time last month, increasing the likelihood that the Republican presidential candidate and his allies will far outspend their Democratic opponents by November. Romney and the Republican National Committee said Thursday that they raised a combined $76.8 million in May, which is nearly as much as the presumed nominee brought in during the GOP primary season. LINK

Politico's Alexander Burns: " Rand Paul endorses Romney" File this under signs the Ron Paul campaign is really, truly over: Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul threw his support tonight to Mitt Romney. The endorsement came in an appearance on "Hannity," a little less than 24 hours after the elder Paul acknowledged in an email that his delegate total is "not enough to win the nomination." LINK

Bloomberg's Julie Hirschfeld: " Romney Executive Style Forged in Faith He Rarely Mentions" When Mitt Romney was serving as bishop of his church in 1981, one of his two counselors wrote home to his mother with a prediction: This guy could wind up in the White House. LINK

OTHER / CAMPAIGN ADS: The New York Times' Jeremy W. Peters: " Campaigns Blitz 9 Swing States in a War of Ads" The presidential campaigns and their allies are zeroing in mainly on nine swing states, bombarding them with commercials in the earliest concentration of advertising in modern politics. With so many resources focused on persuading an ever-shrinking pool of swing voters like those here in Nevada, the 2012 election is likely to go down in history as the one in which the most money was spent reaching the fewest people. LINK

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