Gingrich and Snooki Talk Strippers With Jay Leno

Credit: Facebook/Newt GIngrich

The Jersey Shore's Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi is trying to be like Newt Gingrich when it comes to having bestselling books. As it turns out, Gingrich wouldn't mind dropping by the Jersey Shore house to "hang out."

"That'd be awesome. You could drink 'Ron-Ron' juice," Polizzi said, during an appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

Shortly after their fist-bump on national television Wednesday night, Gingrich admitted he had not seen an episode of the Jersey Shore. The conversation quickly took a turn to Polizzi saying she was going to allow her fiancé to have strippers at his bachelor party and asked Gingrich if he had strippers before he married his wife Callista.

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"No, she was already saying she was crazy for saying she'd marry me. She figured that was enough for one round," Gingrich said.

Before "Snooki" made her way to the stage, Gingrich had time to reflect on the primary election with Leno, telling him it was "good, until the end."

Gingrich received applause after saying the wives and children of candidates should be left alone.

"See you know, they should go to the mafia, don't touch the wives or the children," Leno said.

"But the mafia may be a more honorable profession," Gingrich quipped.

Gingrich weighed in on the VP search, saying that given everything he knew about Romney, he didn't think the presumptive nominee would choose anyone "wild, out of the box," adding he would be very flattered if he were asked but "I'd think he lost his mind."

Gingrich defended Romney not releasing more than two years of his tax returns.

"Obama cannot survive if this campaign is about the economy, so every morning they try to figure out, what's the newest argument that isn't about the economy? They don't actually care what it is. It's anything except the economy," Gingrich said.

Gingrich praised Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, calling her one of the "hardest working, smartest people in the United States," and a "very able representative." When asked if he thought she would run in 2016, Gingrich said, "Well I'm sure her and Bill will have to discuss it for minutes," drawing laughs and applause.

The late night appearance marks a fine line between Gingrich's civilian life after a long national campaign and his never ending work as a Republican Party gadfly.

His spokesman told ABC News that Gingrich has been vacationing with his grandchildren at the beach, but also found time to release his second ebook Wednesday, "No Taxation by Misrepresentation: Rejecting the Dishonest Obamacare Tax."

Gingrich's entertaining twitter feed also reflects the former House speaker's potpourri of policy opinions and personal enjoyment. In the last couple of weeks, Gingrich has tweeted about FBI bloodhounds on his flight, large hairy armadillos while on a zoo trip in Italy, the Higgs-Boson discovery, mixed with tweets about Obamacare. He also asked his followers to vote for his niece in a singing competition and for his spokesman's dog, Toby, in a cute dog contest.

Gingrich and his wife also simultaneously posted and then deleted tweets about appearing on the Tonight Show, spelling "Snooki" incorrectly.

Twitter and Jersey Shore parties aside, Gingrich will head to the Republican National Convention early this year as a part of the committee that will help write the party's platform. Gingrich's spokesman told ABC News that no formal roles have been announced yet, including speaking on the stage.

"Nobody's been asked to speak yet," Gingrich said to Leno.

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