New Ad: Romney's Offshore Olympics - ABC News

New Ad: Romney's Offshore Olympics

Mitt Romney can leave the country, but he can't get away from new attacks on his business record and personal finances.

Timed to coincide with Romney's trip to London and the upcoming start of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA is launching a new, minute-long TV ad that features footage of Romney, at the Salt Lake City Opening Ceremonies in 2002, waving to the processions of countries where Bain Capital-owned companies helped outsource jobs, and to others where Romney has invested or held money.

Watch the ad below:

Priorities USA will run the ad in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia during the Olympics as part of a $20 million TV and online ad campaign attacking Romney's business record and economic policies.

The narrator's script reads:

Welcome to the Olympics. There's Mitt Romney, who ran the Salt Lake City Games, waving to … China - home to a billion people. Thousands owe their jobs to Mitt Romney's companies. India, which also gained jobs thanks to Romney, an outsourcing pioneer. And Burma, where Romney had the uniforms made for the 2002 games. We know the Swiss have a special place in Mitt Romney's wallet - er - heart. He kept millions in Swiss banks - those Swiss sure know how to keep a secret. Speaking of secrets, there's Bermuda. Home to a secretive corporation set up by Romney. No one knows why. And Romney won't tell. And the Cayman Islands. Where Romney keeps millions to avoid U.S. taxes. Ya gotta say this about Mitt Romney. He sure knows how to go for the gold … for himself.

Democrats have relentlessly attacked Romney for the outsourcing activities of several Bain-owned companies, two of which reportedly specialized in helping other firms outsource jobs and expand in foreign countries - although independent fact-checkers have found no evidence that any Bain-owned companies moved U.S. jobs overseas, as Democrats have implied.

Romney's personal finances, which have reportedly included a business vehicle in the Cayman Islands and a bank account held in a blind trust in Switzerland, have also come under intense criticism from Democrats over the past three weeks and have been the subject of well-funded Democratic ads. Romney's campaign has denied his active involvement with these investments.

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