The Horse Dancing Attack, The Fisker Argument, McCain Defends Huma Abedin (PM Note)

Things We're Excited For: Scalia's Media Blitz - (Ariane de Vogue)

Marco Rubio - "I'm always honored by my association with the tea party." - To ABC's Ann Compton after being 'nominated' for VP by a Tea Party Group -

Mitt Still Undecided on VP - Ann Romney's interview with Robin Roberts to air tomorrow on GMA -

Watch World News for more from Jon Karl's Veepstakes Report

The S Word - Without uttering the word "socialism," Mitt Romney today effectively suggested that President Obama would be better off as a leader in Europe. For the second day in a row, Romney cited a comment Obama made Friday about government's helping businesses, and he said the president "really does think it's sort of a collective government effort that somehow makes us all successful." - (Negrin)

Horse Dancing is Off Limits - First the Obama campaign went after Mitt Romney's singing voice. Now they've gone after his wife's Olympics-bound dressage horse Rafalca. Their latest ad intersperses images of the horse in competition with clips of Romney talking about his tax returns. That's a bridge too far for Tim Pawlenty. He was fired up about it in an interview with Jonathan Karl this afternoon.

"Well, I haven't seen the ad, but shame on them, really," Pawlenty said. "I mean, this is something that she does as a hobby to help her condition as a therapy for having MS, and it gives her great relief and great joy. And I think by her own account and the account of her medical professionals, it helps her. That's something she shared with others as a sport or hobby or therapy who are facing life challenges or disabilities, and to make light of that or to criticize that, I think, is really, really low. I wish they wouldn't do that."

More on the ad - (Dwyer)

McCain Defends Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Against House GOP Charges of Muslim Brotherhood Scheme- Describing the accusations against her as "ugly" and "sinister," Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., came to the defense of Huma Abedin, longtime aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. (Sunlen Miller and John Parkinson)

Romney Disagrees with Woman Who Calls Obama a 'Monster' - BOWLING GREEN, Ohio - Romney was criticized in May for not immediately rebuking a woman at a town hall who said President Obama "should be tried for treason," and denounced by Democrats for standing by "silently" during attacks on the president. (Emily Friedman)

Zombie Voter Comes Back to Life (Again!) in Florida - Constance Slate Smith is one of Florida's living dead-twice over. Florida election officials continue to bump Smith off the state voter rolls because they believe she is deceased. (Kyle Blaine)

GOP To Cite Fisker Auto Maker as Argument Against Obama-Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus will spearhead an effort to re-focus attention on the 2009 economic stimulus and instances where American money was used by companies doing business overseas. (Shushannah Walshe)

Romney's Ad on Fisker, Solyndra, Stimulus Funds Gone Wrong - (Emily Friedman)

Boehner, Ryan: Romney's Taxes a Grand Distraction- Amid increasing pressure and persistent demands for Mitt Romney to disclose an exhaustive account of his tax returns, House Speaker John Boehner and Rep. Paul Ryan, a top contender to join the presumptive GOP nominee on the ballot, blamed President Obama for attempting to "distract the American people in order to win his own reelection." (John Parkinson)

White House Condemns Attack in Bulgaria - The White House today condemned "in the strongest possible terms" the deadly attack in Bulgaria, but did not comment on who was responsible for the blast that struck a bus of Israeli tourists. (Mary Bruce)

White House on Syria: 'Assad Is Losing Control'- The bombing in Syria today "makes clear that Assad is losing control" and that the "window is closing" to find a peaceful solution to the violence, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said. (Mary Bruce)

Heather Wilson to Paint Martin Heinrich as Enviro Extremist in Mexico - Environmental politics are alive and well in the New Mexico Senate race. At a briefing with reporters today at the National Republican Senatorial Committee, New Mexico Senate candidate Heather Wilson and campaign aides laid out their plan of attack against Democratic Rep. Martin Heinrich, against whom Wilson is running in New Mexico's competitive 2012 Senate race. It includes painting Heinrich as an environmental extremist, hitting him on a few key policy points. (Chris Good)

Here We Go Again, Immigration Groups File Suit Against AZ Immigration Law - Staying true to their promise, immigration groups are asking a federal judge to block Arizona's "show me your papers provision" from going into effect. (Ariane de Vogue)

Veep Beat: Contenders Hit the Trail for Romney - VP contenders fan out across country for Romney; a look inside the vetting; Pawlenty focused on 'yard work' as VP race heats up, has deja vu; Portman hasn't spoken to Romney recently; Nine things you didn't know about Portman; Christie to keynote convention? (Arlette Saenz)

Obama's Weak, Romney's Weaker in Campaign Performance Ratings - Barack Obama may get no more than a gentleman's C for the way he's running his presidential campaign - but that beats Mitt Romney, whose effort is seen more negatively than positively by the American public, with notably softer ratings for Romney in his base than for Obama in his. (Gary Langer)

Baylor Player Appears to Hit Obama with Excited Elbow Drop (Optical Illusion) -