Pro-Pot Activists Put Pat Robertson on Marijuana Billboard

Pat Robertson is high, about 30 feet off the ground on a billboard in Colorado.

Proponents of legalizing marijuana in the state have used Robertson's face on an electronic billboard along Interstate 70 in Grand Junction, Colo.

The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, which is promoting a ballot initiative to legalize pot in Colorado, told ABC News it has paid $1,000 to place the ad, which promotes Robertson's stated support for the initiative. Coloradoans will vote on the measure in November.

Robertson is not working with the campaign and did not approve the ad before its placement. A spokesman for Robertson had no immediate comment on the ad.

At least twice, the evangelical leader has publicly offered his support for decriminalizing marijuana. In March 2012, he told The New York Times that he "absolutely" supports pot-legalization measures that will appear on November ballots in Colorado and Washington, but that he would not campaign for those initiatives.

"I really believe we should treat marijuana the way we treat beverage alcohol," Robertson told the Times. "I've never used marijuana and I don't intend to, but it's just one of those things that I think.This war on drugs just hasn't succeeded."

The Colorado campaign did not attempt to contact Robertson before using his image, Mason Tvert, the campaign's co-director, told ABC News.

"He had expressed his support for regulating marijuana like alcohol, and his specific support for the initiative, but he also mentioned he didn't plan on campaigning himself for the measure, so we didn't feel like we needed to bother him with that," Tvert said.

When placing the billboard, the campaign considered its surroundings. In Western Colorado, the ad will reach conservative voters, who might be more interested in a conservative, 700-Club take on pot.

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