Romney on Condi: 'She Has Been Very Helpful'

Mitt Romney predictably kept quiet about his process on picking a running mate in an interview with ABC's Jonathan Karl this afternoon. Here's what he had to say about Condoleezza Rice, the veep buzz du jour:

"Well, she has been very helpful to my campaign already with advice on a series of foreign policy matters, and I speak with her from time to time. I know my campaign does. Also, Secretary Jim Baker, Secretary Henry Kissinger. I have had the chance to speak to a number of people with foreign policy experience. Ambassador John Bolton and I have spoken and met together. So Condi Rice, and her view, like these others, are views that I have found very helpful and will continue to avail myself of their expertise."

Romney's wife has said the campaign is considering picking a woman to be on the bottom of the ticket, stoking speculation that Rice, one of the more prominent women in the Republican Party, could be picked. But Romney has said he won't pick a would-be veep who isn't anti-abortion, and Rice has said she's "mildly pro-choice."

Read more about Rice's promotion to the top of Romney's short list here.