Rubio's Plane Makes Emergency Landing - ABC News

Rubio's Plane Makes Emergency Landing

Sen. Marco Rubio's plane made an emergency landing due to mechanical problems as it was en route to a Mitt Romney campaign event in Des Moines, Iowa.

The Florida senator, who is considered to be a top contender to be Romney's vice president, took to Twitter this afternoon, tweeting out the details of the emergency landing.

"May be a bit late to rally in # DesMoines # Iowa for @ MittRomney. Plane forced to make emergency landing in Albuquerque. # GOP # IowaGop," Rubio tweeted.

Shortly after, he sent another message saying he'd miss the event.

"Bad news. Replacement plane won't get here in time 2 get us 2 # DesMoines # Iowa for @ MittRomney rally. Was looking forward 2 it. We will be back," Rubio tweeted, adding later: "Not one, but two planes I was on today had malfunctions. Second one forced to make emergency landing in New Mexico. I know how to take a hint!"

Rubio was set to attend a Victory event on Romney's behalf outside the Iowa state capitol in Des Moines but addressed the crowd via telephone after the plane problems. Earlier in the day, he spoke at a rally at his old elementary school in Las Vegas, Nevada.