'This Week' Roundtable Picks Their Most Memorable TV Moments - ABC News

'This Week' Roundtable Picks Their Most Memorable TV Moments

Neil Armstrong/NASA

On Wednesday, Sony Electronics and Nielsen released a study outlining the most memorable television moments in the past 50 years. The most memorable event, according to the study: The attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

This morning on "This Week," I invited the roundtable guests to select their own most memorable moments. Take a look at their selections - and mine - below. The top 20 most memorable moments according to the study are also listed below the roundtable moments.

Be sure to share your most memorable moment in the comments below.

Me: M*A*S*H'S finale (Feb. 28, 1983).

ABC News' George Will: 1960 World Series, Game 7 (Oct. 13, 1960).

Democratic strategist James Carville: Man lands on the Moon (July 20, 1969).

Republican strategist Mary Matalin: The first anniversary of 9/11 (September 11, 2002).

ABC News contributor Donna Brazile: Hurricane Katrina breaks the levees protecting New Orleans (August 29, 2005).

ABC News political analyst Matthew Dowd: Watergate hearings (1973).

You can find the top 20 most powerful events according to the survey directly below:

1. Sept. 11 tragedy (2001) 2. Hurricane Katrina (2005) 3. O.J. Simpson verdict (1995) 4. Challenger space shuttle disaster (1986) 5. Death of Osama bin Laden (2011) 6. O.J. Simpson white Bronco chase (1994) 7. Earthquake in Japan (2011) 8. Columbine High School shootings (1999) 9. BP oil spill (2010) 10. Princess Diana's funeral (1997) 11. Death of Whitney Houston (2012) 12. Capture and execution of Saddam Hussein (2006) 13. Barack Obama's acceptance speech (2008) 14. The Royal Wedding (2011) 15. Assassination of John F. Kennedy (1963) 16. Oklahoma City bombing (1995) 17. Bush/Gore election results (2000) 18. L.A. riots (1992) 19. Casey Anthony verdict (2011) 20. Funeral of John F. Kennedy (1963)

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