Democrats Add to List of Top House Candidates

Democrats had a rough time in the 2010 elections for House of Representatives, and this year they have almost nowhere to go but up.

On Wednesday, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) unveiled new additions to its list of "Red to Blue" candidates - its top tier of House challengers who, it believes, are poised to win mostly Republican districts in November, bringing Democrats back toward relevance in the House of Representatives after a two-year stint of drastic minority.

Here they are:

  • Julia Brownley, California's open 26th District.
  • Alan Lowenthal, California's new 47th District.
  • Scott Peters, challenging GOP Rep. Brian Bilbray in California's 52nd District.
  • Bill Enyart, vying to replace retiring Democratic Rep. Jerry Costello in Illinois's 12th District.
  • David Gill, Illinois's open 13th District.
  • Mike Obermueller, challenging GOP Rep. John Kilne in Minnesota's Second District.
  • Hayden Rogers, vying to replace retiring Democratic Rep. Heath Shuler in North Carolina's 11th District.
  • Michelle Lujan Grisham, vying to replace Democratic Rep. Martin Heinrich in New Mexico's First District. Heinrich is running for Senate.
  • Former Rep. Carol Shea-Porter, challenging GOP Rep. Frank Guinta in New Hampshire's First District.
  • Mark Murphy, challenging GOP Rep. Michael Grimm in New York's 11th District.
  • Sean Patrick Maloney, challenging Rep. Nan Hayworth in New York's 18th District.
  • Pete Gallego, challenging GOP Rep. Francisco "Quico" Canseco in Texas's 23rd District.
  • Suzan DelBene, vying for Washington's open First District.

"These top-tier Democratic candidates are focused on solving problems, creating jobs, strengthening the middle class and protecting seniors. Their Republican opponents are forced to defend their relentless protections of millionaires over Medicare and the middle class," DCCC Chairman Steve Israel said on releasing the list.

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