Jobs Numbers Quickdraw, Issa's Dragnet, Reid vs. Romney, Missile Defense Porn - PM Note

Missile Defense Porn: Watching the Wrong Bombshells-A top official at the government agency charged with protecting America from incoming nuclear missiles recently had to order his employees to keep their eyes on the sky and off pornographic websites they had accessed on secure computers. (Lee Ferran)

WH Chief of Staff Daley Briefed on Solyndra Concerns, Emails Show -Buried in the treasure trove of White House emails related to Solyndra released Thursday by the House Energy and Commerce Committee is one suggesting that concerns about Solyndra's viability were shared all the way up to then-White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley a full six months before the company went bust. (Jonathan Karl)

Issa's Dragnet Widens - In a letter to White House chief of staff Jack Lew, Issa requested the names of all administration staffers who have engaged in the practice, their email addresses and copies of work-related messages sent outside of government email servers. Congressional Republicans and campaign aides to Mitt Romney have been alleging that members of the Obama White House, including former chief of staff Jim Messina, may have broken federal law by conducting official business through private accounts so as to avoid automatic archiving into the public record. "The American people have a right to know that White House staff and federal officials are conducting the business of the government transparently and in accordance with record-keeping statutes," Issa writes in the letter. He gave a deadline of Aug. 17 for his request. Administration and Obama campaign officials insist they have obeyed all federal laws, forwarding business-related email from personal accounts into the White House servers for archiving.

Jobs Report Quickdraw - A split jobs report - an uptick in the unemployment rate to 8.3 percent coupled with better-than-expected growth - 172k - gave both sides cause to say they're right today.

Obama - "This morning we learned that our businesses created 172,000 new jobs in the month of July. That means that we've now created 4.5 million over the last 29 months and 1.1 million new jobs so far this year," Obama said. "Those are our neighbors and family members finding work and the security that comes with work. We knew when I started this job that this was going to take some time," he added. "But we also knew that if we were persistent and kept at it, kept working, that we'd gradually get to where we need to be."

Romney described the report as a "hammer blow to the struggling middle-class families of America."

"These numbers are not just statistics. These are real people, really suffering, having hard times, 23 million Americans out of work or stopped looking for work or way under-employed," Romney said. "The official unemployment number, 8.3 percent. That's the longest period of time - 42 months - the longest period of time we've had unemployment above 8 percent in American history, since this has been recorded."

"This is an extraordinary record of failure."

More from Devin Dywer -

There are four more jobs reports before election day. It's hard to imagine such growth that would really change the current economic perceptions.

Mitt Romney Tells Harry Reid to 'Put Up or Shut Up' on Tax Return Accusation - Harry Reid keeps repeating his wild speculation and completely unsubstantiated claim that Mitt Romney didn't pay taxes for ten years. Now Romney keeps repeating that Harry Reid should 'put up or shut up.' .

Factcheck - Could Romney's Tax Plan Raise Middle-Class Taxes As Studies, White House Suggest? - Romney's campaign is hitting back against a study released this week showing the GOP candidate's tax plan would raise taxes on the middle class while slashing the tax burden for millionaires, calling the report "biased" and "a joke."

But here's what Tax Policy Center says:

"They [tax plans like Romney's] seem to be discussed in a way that I'm going to have really big cuts in tax rates, but the tax system is going to be just as progressive as it was before, that the impact on tax revenue or on the budget is going to be the same and I'm going to maintain all of your treasured deductions," Tax Policy Center's Adam Looney said. "At some point, the math just doesn't add up.

In order to avoid such middle-class tax hikes, Looney said, Romney has three options: change the plan he has already laid out so it does not give such large tax breaks to the wealthy, drop the revenue-neutral requirement so that the tax cuts are not offset with revenue increases but instead add to the deficit, or make up for the lost revenue from his tax cuts by slashing spending. Romney's campaign has argued that his plan to cut tax rates would spur economic growth. And as the economy grows, allowing more people pay more taxes, his plan would be virtually paid for by those increased revenues

More from Amy Bingham - (Amy Bingham)

Obama Tax Calculator Based on Data GOP Calls a 'Joke'- The Obama campaign has posted two interactive tools on its website, the most recent with a banner headline proclaiming " The Romney Tax Hike." (Ann Compton)

Bill Clinton to Fundraise for Pro-Obama Superpac -

Obama Backs Penn State Sanctions- President Obama says the stiff NCAA sanctions levied against Penn State's football program is "appropriate" following the Jerry Sandusky child abuse scandal and the controversy surrounding its former head coach Joe Paterno. (Matthew Larotonda)

Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein to Depart WH - Administration officials confirm that Cass Sunstein is returning to Harvard law school later this month, with thanks from an admiring president who brought Sunstein into the White House for the unglamorous but powerful job of juggling government regulations. (Ann Compton)

Veep Beat: Another Week, Still No VP- ROMNEY STAYS MUM ON VP: Another week has passed, and there is still no VP pick from Mitt Romney. Asked by reporters on the charter flight between Denver and Aspen Thursday whether he has made a decision yet about his VP choice, Mitt Romney shot down the question, saying, "Sorry guys, I got nothing for you." (Arlette Saenz)

Ann Romney's Weekend in Wales-Rafalca, the dressage horse that took an elegant turn in the Olympics on Thursday, gets a break this weekend and Ann Romney (part owner of Rafalca) is off to visit her roots in Wales. But where? (Shushannah Walshe)