"Obamacare"? President Obama Suggests "Romney-Doesn't-Care" As a New Name

President Obama coined a new nickname for a potential action by a hypothetical President Romney today, playing off the "Obamacare" nickname for health care legislation that his administration initially used, then rejected as pejorative, then re-claimed.

To a a crowd of roughly six thousand at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, the president today said, "It's up to you whether we go back to a health care system that let insurance companies decide who to cover and when. Governor Romney promised that sometime between taking the oath of office and going to the inaugural ball, he'd sit right down, grab a pen and kick seven million young people off their parents' plan by repealing health reform," the president said, referring to Romney's pledge in June to "act to repeal Obamacare" on his "first day if elected President of the United States."

"That's what he says he's going to do," the president said. "You know, maybe we should call his plan 'Romney-Doesn't-Care' because I do care. I do care."


The president said "this law is here to stay. Now's not the time to refight the battles of the last four years. Now's the time for us to go ahead and move forward. And I'll work with anybody who wants to make our health care system better, but I'm not going to stand by and let folks talk about how we should go back to the days when ordinary folks who were working really hard suddenly find themselves losing their homes, losing their savings just because they get sick."

Pivoting to abortion rights, the president said Republicans "can choose to refight the battles that were settled 10 years ago or 20 years ago or some time in the last century. You know, I think women should be trusted to make their own health care decisions."

-Jake Tapper and Mary Bruce