Romney, Ryan Campaign-Trail Bromance Extends to Wardrobes

(Image Credit: Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images)

COMMERCE, Mich. - It has been two weeks since Mitt Romney tapped Paul Ryan as his running mate, and the two are already dressing alike.

So much so that aides today offered to give Ryan a different shirt to wear.

After landing in Michigan this afternoon, Romney was joined on his charter plane by Ryan, who appeared to be wearing an identical shirt - a white dress shirt with a light-blue checkered pattern - to Romney. It's a shirt that Ryan and Romney frequently wear on the stump.

Two aides boarded the plane shortly thereafter, looked at Ryan and Romney's outfits and remarked, "We need to…"

Before the aide could finish his sentence, Ryan responded, "Yeah, I know," glancing down again at his shirt and then at Romney's.

"You want this one?" the aide asked, readying to remove his earpiece from his collar and offer his pinkish dress shirt to the vice presidential candidate.

Ryan, 42, didn't accept, laughing and saying, "No, it's going to be too big for me," despite the aides' insistence that it would work (it's a "fitted large," he explained).

When Ann Romney boarded and said hello to the Wisconsin congressman, she appeared to ask him how his first few weeks on the trail have been. Ryan chatted with her briefly before remarking that people are paying attention to his every move.

"Every little thing we do," Ryan said. "Even the shirts we wear!"