Sox Fan Obama Plugs Visit to Wrigley Field… for the Food

Don't tell Michelle. Or his beloved baseball team, the Chicago White Sox.

President Obama's advice to visitors of the Windy City is a trip to Wrigley Field, home of the Cubs, and a tasting tour of some of the city's famous - though not entirely healthy - eats.

"First of all, there's a great place on the west side called Macarthur's. It's sort of a family restaurant. You name it, you got it: fried chicken, greens, cornbread, black eyed peas, and three different kinds of hot sauce sitting on the table. So you can't go wrong there. But when you guys come to Chicago you've got to try all kinds of stuff," he told the hosts of "Morning Mayhem" on KOB-FM, a pop music station in Albuquerque, N.M.

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"Al's Italian beef: outstanding. Deep dish pizza: you've got to check that out. You probably need to get a hot dog at Wrigley Field. Even though I am a White Sox fan, it's a nice place to watch a ballgame. Don't worry, you will not lose weight if you come to Chicago," he said.

The six-minute interview, which Obama pre-taped Tuesday from Marshalltown, Iowa, on the second day of his bus tour, aired in New Mexico this morning. The questions, which were all on the lighter side, offered the president a chance to showcase his personality.

Favorite chili? "You've got to go with classic red."

Favorite song to work out to? "If I'm really trying to get my heart rate up, that 'Crazy In Love' is a pretty good song."

Desired superpower? The ability to speak any language… but really flying. "You can't beat just kinda swooping around," he said.

The hosts also asked Obama whether he likes the hit summer single by Carley Rae Jepsen, "Call Me Maybe."

Answer: Never actually heard it.

"I saw this version where they spliced up me from a whole bunch of different speeches I've made, and they kind of mashed together an Obama version of it. It looks like a cute pop song," he said.

You can hear the entire interview HERE.