The Note's Must-Reads for Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Note's Must-Reads are a round-up of today's political headlines and stories from ABC News and the top U.S. newspapers. Posted Monday through Friday right here at

Compiled by ABC News' Jayce Henderson, Amanda VanAllen, Carrie Halperin, and Will Cantine

PRESIDENT OBAMA: The Hill's Amie Parnes: " Obama: Mitt Romney wants to take women back to policies of the '50s" President Obama on Wednesday accused Republicans of wanting to take the nation "back to policies more suited to the 1950s than the 21st century" during a campaign stop aimed at securing support from women. Stumping on a two-day, four-stop swing through Colorado - a state where Obama needs strong turnout from women in November - the president sought to hammer home the benefits his healthcare law includes for families, such as free mammograms and contraception and cancer screenings with no copay. LINK

Bloomberg's Margaret Talev and Lisa Lerer: " Obama Trades Comforter Hat for Campaigner on Colorado Return" President Barack Obama targeted female voters in the swing state of Colorado, telling a Denver audience that his rival Mitt Romney and Republicans support policies "more suited to the 1950s than the 21st century." "The choice between going backward and moving forward has never been so clear," Obama told an audience of mostly women at the city's Auraria Event Center. "You can take me at my record." LINK

The Washington Times' Valerie Richardson: " Obama tries to woo women of Colorado" After sweeping Colorado voters off their feet en route to a rousing victory in 2008, President Obama is suddenly finding those same voters playing hard to get. Polls show that, despite spending enough time at altitude to qualify for in-state tuition, the president has been stuck for months in a virtual dead heat with Republican Mitt Romney. LINK

USA Today's David Jackson: " Obama Says Election Is Crucial To Women's Rights" Appealing to a key constituency, President Obama said today that this year's election could decide whether women get to keep newly won rights on health care and pay equity. LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Laura Meckler: " Obama Again Cites Gun Violence But Offers No Remedy" President Barack Obama once again suggested that the nation look for new ways to combat gun violence without offering specifics as to what he might do or how he might approach it. LINK

Politico's Jennifer Haberkorn: " Obama gives full-throated defense of health care law" President Barack Obama on Wednesday used women's health as the platform for an all-out defense of his health care reform law, calling it the right thing to do and accusing Republicans of trying to take the law's benefits away from women."Let me tell you something, Denver, I don't think your boss should get to control the health care that you get," Obama told the crowd at a campaign stop in Colorado. "I don't think insurance companies should control the care that you get. I don't think politicians should control the care that you get. I think there's one person to make these decisions on health care and that is you." LINK

MITT ROMNEY: The Los Angeles' Times' Seema Mehta: " Orthodox Jewish wedding party chases Romney" The campaign trail can often be bumpy and harrowing - early-morning wake-up calls, bad food and late-night deadlines all lead to wear and tear on the politicos and reporters who crisscross the nation trying to keep tabs on the men and women who seek to become the leader of the free world. But, as an incident involving Mitt Romney showed Wednesday, campaigns can also take on the carnival-like feel of a circus. LINK

The Boston Globe's Callum Borchers: " Romney ad targets Obama's stance on welfare reform" Mitt Romney's campaign fired a second volley Wednesday in the battle over welfare reform, painting President Obama as a proponent of government handouts who has long opposed placing work requirements on people who receive welfare benefits. The ad notes Obama's opposition to the 1996 welfare reform law and accuses him of gutting welfare reform as president, repeating a charge the Romney campaign levied Tuesday in its first welfare ad. LINK

USA Today's Martha T. Moore: " Romney Centers New Attack On 1996 Welfare Law" A new line of attack by Republican Mitt Romney against President Obama has brought old antagonists out to battle. Romney says an Obama administration offer to waive some federal welfare rules for state programs - an effort, the administration says, to experiment with ways to put welfare recipients into jobs - ends the requirement that recipients of government assistance must work. That dispute has turned the clock back to 1996, the year a welfare overhaul law was hammered out by President Clinton and then-speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. LINK

USA Today's Jackie Kucinich: " Romney's Aide's Health Care Remark Spark Flap" Conservatives were up in arms on Wednesday after an attempt by Mitt Romney's spokeswoman to defend the candidate against a negative ad seemed to turn into a tacit endorsement of the Affordable Care Act. LINK

ANTI-ROMNEY: The Wall Street Journal's Peter Nicholas and Colleen McCain Nelson: " A Harsh Anti-Romney Ad Sparks Criticism" A new TV ad that suggests Mitt Romney's business dealings contributed to a woman's death from cancer by depriving her of health insurance enraged Republicans and left even some supporters of President Barack Obama troubled by its tone. LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Peter Nicholas and Colleen McCain Nelson: " Star Of Anti-Romney Ad Explains His Stance" A new TV ad supporting President Barack Obama suggests that Mitt Romney's business dealings contributed to a woman's death from cancer by depriving her of health insurance. But the woman's husband, featured in the ad, said Wednesday that he doesn't blame Mr. Romney for her death. LINK

OTHER: ABC News' Devin Dwyer and Ann Compton: " President Obama, Mitt Romney Agree: Gay Boy Scouts OK" President Obama and Mitt Romney have found some new common ground -surprisingly - on an issue of gay rights. Obama Wednesday joined Romney in publicly disagreeing with a controversial ban on gay members of the Boy Scouts of America, one of the nation's largest and most well-known youth development groups. LINK

Bloomberg's Jonathan D. Salant: " Goldman Sachs Leads Split With Obama, as GE Jilts Him Too" Four years ago, employees of New York-based Goldman gave three-fourths of their campaign donations to Democratic candidates and committees, including presidential nominee Barack Obama. This time, they're showering 70 percent of their contributions on Republicans. That's the biggest switch among the 25 companies whose employees have given the most to candidates and parties since 1989, according to data through June 30 compiled by Bloomberg from the Center for Responsive Politics, a Washington-based research group that tracks campaign donations. Goldman isn't alone; 13 of the companies' employees are now giving more to Republicans after backing Democrats four years ago. LINK

The New York Times' Jeremy W. Peters: " In Clamor for Roles at Convention, More Are Out Than In" TAMPA, Fla. - Newt Gingrich hoped to get a coveted speaking slot at the Republican National Convention. Instead the Romney campaign will have him teach a series of workshops they have nicknamed Newt University. Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain are not scheduled to speak, either. They have decided to stage their own mini-convention of sorts - calling it a "unity rally" to dispel any doubts about their party loyalty - at a megachurch about 20 minutes outside town. LINK

ABC NEWS VIDEO: " Jewish Wedding Party Follows Romney To Fundraiser" (VIDEO) " Tim Pawlenty On VP: 'We'll Know Soon Enough'" (VIDEO) " Mitt Romney Could Announce VP Pick Shortly" (VIDEO) " Mitt Romney's Vice Presidential Pick: When Will We Know?" (VIDEO)

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