Barack Obama Campaign Factoids - ABC News

Barack Obama Campaign Factoids

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

With 60 days to go before Election Day, here's a look at President Obama's re-election campaign by the numbers:

Total Estimated AF1 Domestic Flight Miles in 2012: 121,000

Total Bus Tours in 2012: 2

Overnights at Home in Chicago in 2012: 7

Visits to Chicago Campaign HQ: 2

Total Re-Election Fundraisers Attended in 2012: 139

Total Re-Election Fundraisers in First Term: 209 (record-breaking ; compares to 86 for George W. Bush)

Top 4 Battleground States Visited in 2012: Ohio, Virginia, Florida, Colorado

Most Visited State of 2012: New York

Total Campaign TV Ads: 57

Total TV Ads Mentioning Mitt Romney: 34