Bill Burton to Democrats: 'Be Very Nervous' - ABC News

Bill Burton to Democrats: 'Be Very Nervous'

When it comes to a battle of the bankrolls, Bill Burton, co-founder of Priorities USA Action Super PAC, has got a serious warning for Democrats gathered for the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C.: Be afraid. Be very afraid.

"I think Democrats should be very nervous," Burton said on the ABC News/Yahoo News DNC Live Show today. "On the Republican side, that money's not that big of a deal. On the Democratic side, people aren't giving for the same kinds of reasons. … You know, most of our contributions come from the entertainment industry. They're not gonna sell more movie tickets because Barack Obama gets elected president. They just care about the issues that are important to Democrats."

Still, his super PAC, Priorities USA Action, is doing pretty well, he told ABC's Amy Walter and Rick Klein. Burton noted he's seen a major uptick in donations in the last month - including a fresh, half-million-dollar check last night at the convention.

"How does that work?" asked Walter. "Does somebody just write it to you, and then you just put in in your pocket?"

"That does sometimes happen," Burton laughed. "They just write it. But I don't have it on me right now."

Burton said his super PAC is spending in Wisconsin, the home state of possible Republican Vice President Paul Ryan, and he also predicted President Obama will take North Carolina in November.