Marco Rubio Launches Twitter Rant Against American Airlines

Senators. They're just like us, especially when it comes to delayed flights.

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., launched a Twitter tirade against American Airlines Friday night after experiencing delay problems involving a flight to D.C.

Rubio's rant started with this tweet and then proceeded to include eight more messages on Twitter:

@marcorubio: Trying to get to DC for early morning votes tonight but let's just say this has not been the best week in American Airlines history.

A sample of more of Rubio's tweets:

@marcorubio: Delaying flight for "maintenance" to squeeze connectors from other flight, oldest trick in book.Feel bad for crew.#cmonman #AmericanAirlines

@marcorubio: Since I am going off on #AmericanAirlines tonight, let me say pilots and flight attendants they have are top notch. #nottheirfault

@marcorubio: I must now turn of my electronic device. I hope tonight's tirade didn't cost me my Executive Platinum status.

American Airlines tried to apologize via Twitter to the senator.

@AmericanAir: @marcorubio Thanks for your patience, Marco. We hope you have a great flight.