Mitt Romney Lowers Debate Expectations - ABC News

Mitt Romney Lowers Debate Expectations

With just over a week to go before he faces President Obama in their first debate, Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney lowered expectations a hair, noting it is his first time in a presidential debate and his opponent is an "eloquent, gifted speaker."

"The president is obviously a very eloquent, gifted speaker - he'll do just fine," Romney told Fox News in an interview from Dayton, Ohio. "I've, you know, I've never been in a presidential debate like this and it will be a new experience."

Romney said the American people will make "their assessment as to who's the better speaker," but he believes that regardless they'll be drawn to his plan for the nation.

"People will make a choice," Romney said. "I think I have, if you will, the facts on my side. I think the American people will be drawn more to the vision I have for the future of the country, but time will tell."

The first of three presidential debates is Oct. 3 at the University of Denver.