Plouffe Sees Post-Convention 'Momentum' but No Bounce

The Obama camp is downplaying any expectation of a bounce in the polls as it waits to see whether its convention will move the needle on a race that has been neck-and-neck for months.

"Our belief is we entered the convention with a small but important lead in most of those battleground states. We'll see where we are at the end of next week. But our suspicion is the race is going to be about where it was. And that's a problem for Mitt Romney," Obama senior adviser David Plouffe told reporters traveling with the president in New Hampshire today.

Plouffe said the Obama campaign gained "momentum" from the convention but that it "doesn't mean the race is going to change significantly."

"We are not expecting huge movement in this race all the way out to the next 60 days … but there is a chance we might have increased our turnout dynamics," he said.