Pro-Obama Super PAC Ads to Use Romney Secret Videos - ABC News

Pro-Obama Super PAC Ads to Use Romney Secret Videos

As expected, the now-infamous videos of Mitt Romney speaking at a private fundraiser won't go away anytime soon: In fact, voters in battleground states will see them on TV.

The pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action will run TV ads featuring the videos, first posted by Mother Jones's David Corn on Monday afternoon. The super PAC began working on the ads a few hours after Corn posted the clips, according to an official.

The videos have already caused a stir, prompting Romney to hold a rare nighttime press availability on the campaign trail in Costa Mesa, Calif., on Monday. They've drawn widespread condemnation from Democrats.

The videos perpetuate an "already-out-there belief" that Romney is out of touch with the middle class, the Priorities USA Action official said. "It makes a lot of sense for us to push this."

Where can we expect to see the ads? Priorities has dedicated $30 million for an ad campaign beginning in September and running through Election Day in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Virginia, and Wisconsin. It's likely the group will cycle these ads into its current buy, which right now features an ad called "We the People" that focuses on the Tax Policy Center report on Romney's economic plan, which President Obama's campaign has featured in its own ads.

Priorities USA Action did not provide details on when the new ads will be released or debut on airwaves, or which parts of the Romney videos will appear in ads.

Romney campaign spokesman Ryan Williams e-mailed a comment on Priorities' plans: "This is another misleading attack from a discredited group. President Obama has raised taxes on small businesses and job creators, and his policies have hurt middle class families. Mitt Romney has a plan that will lower taxes, create jobs and get our economy moving."