Sen. Hagan Says 'We Had This Stadium Totally Booked'

On the ABC News/Yahoo News DNC Live Show today, North Carolina Sen. Kay Hagan didn't hold back expressing the frustration many people in her home state feel after being shut out of President Obama's speech tomorrow at the Democratic National Convention.

"You know, people were waiting around the blocks at all of the OFA offices across North Carolina, waiting in line for hours," she told ABC's Amy Walter and Rick Klein. "We had this stadium totally booked … and people are definitely very, very disappointed."

Hagan also sprung to the defense of fellow Sen. Claire McCaskill, who's facing a tough re-election battle against Rep. Todd Akin, attacking his now-notorious comments about "forcible rape" last month.

"Every rape is a forcible rape," she said. "I think every woman in America, I think every man in America, needs to be concerned about that. They have wives. They have daughters.You know, this is something that shouldn't be on a political stage, talking about issues that are as important as that."

Even though McCaskill isn't at the convention, she predicted a win for her fellow senator in November.