Sunday Sound: Heard on 'This Week' - ABC News

Sunday Sound: Heard on 'This Week'

Below are some of the notable comments made Sunday on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos." Guests included White House senior adviser David Plouffe; ABC News' George Will; Priorities USA co-founder Bill Burton; Romney campaign senior adviser and former Massachusetts Lt. Governor Kerry Healey; Democratic strategist and ABC News contributor Donna Brazile; and political strategist and ABC News political analyst Matthew Dowd.

David Plouffe

PLOUFFE: We have made a lot of progress from the depths of recession. We have a lot more work to do. And that's the question we're going to lay out for the American people is the Romney path would be the wrong path for the middle class, the wrong path for this country.

PLOUFFE: Right now, their campaign, is built on a tripod of lies. A welfare attack that is just absolutely untrue. The suggestion that we're raiding Medicare, absolutely untrue. And then this whole we can't build it nonsense. I don't think we have ever seen a presidential campaign, ever, that's built on a foundation of absolute lies. And I think ultimately they are going to pay a price on that.

PLOUFFE: He didn't talk about welfare in his speech on Thursday night. He didn't talk about the war we're waging in Afghanistan. Or our troops. Which is an amazing thing for someone who wants to be 66 days from now elected as our commander in chief. That was a huge omission, and I think a really remarkable thing.

PLOUFFE: I think everyone in America thinks he's been an amazing actor and director and an American treasure. We're all Clint Eastwood fans here in the Obama campaign.

Powerhouse Roundtable

George Will

WILL: Americans want their presidents to succeed, partly because they put them there, and they don't want to say they made a mistake. So I thought that tone, more in sorrow than in anger, it's all right to change presidents.

WILL: Twenty-one hundred Americans have died in Afghanistan, 53 died in August. If the mission is not so important that someone running for commander-in-chief won't mention an ongoing war, much the longest war in our national history, that, more than any other thing makes the case as to why we should have been out two years ago, and why we should be out now, as fast as is logistically possible.

WILL: But what Mitt Romney said during the primary, and I quote, "we do not negotiate - we should not negotiate with the Taliban, we should defeat the Taliban." If Mitt Romney's position is we should fight on in Afghanistan until we defeat the Taliban whatever that means, he will lose and he should lose.

Bill Burton

BURTON: What he missed was the opportunity to talk about not just how much he loves his family, but what he's going to do for the American people and their families. There was no specificity. There was no defense of his economic strategy. And I think that was the biggest missed opportunity for him.

BURTON: I think there's a reason that Mitt Romney did not bring this up at his convention floor. If you don't have the guts to make an argument to the American people in the light of day, but you spend $10 million of it making that the core of your campaign, it says something about the character of you who are, and it says something about the kind of campaign that you're running.

Dr. Kerry Healey

HEALEY: The point is, we're talking about fact-checking here though at the moment. I mean, this is one of those cases where the fact-checkers just had it wrong.

HEALEY: His position is that we should not be looking at Afghanistan through a political lens. And I can only say that when we look at this pre-announced withdrawal schedule, it only be viewed as political.

Donna Brazile

BRAZILE: when you attend a Republican convention as a Democrat, you suspect that they're going to hammer your side. What we saw for three nights is the Republican Party basically trying to figure out their path forward.

BRAZILE: I don't feel like I'm going into a convention on defense. We're going to play offense. We're going to take it from Mitt Romney. And if he wants to come back tell us why we need to go back to Leave it to Beaver and the 1950s, fine, President Obama will go forward.

Matthew Dowd

DOWD: We have had two presidents now in a row, Barack Obama and George W. Bush who have an incredible incapacity to admit they made a mistake. And for the American public, the American public thinks it's a very powerful thing when you stand up and say I made a mistake and it means you learned in office and you're taking responsibility. When you don't do that, the public sort of tunes their ears out and says this person will not take responsibility for what happen.

DOWD: Paul Ryan, what he did in his speech, I think, so stretched the truth, and I like Paul Ryan, I have a lot of great respect for Paul Ryan, but the (INAUDIBLE) that he said about closing the GM plant, which closed before Barack Obama took president, about the Simpson-Bowles bill which he opposed, and then all of a sudden you see faults Barack Obama for, at some point the truth should matter.

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