KitchenAid's Obama Tweet Shows Dangers of Multiple Twitter Accounts - ABC News

KitchenAid's Obama Tweet Shows Dangers of Multiple Twitter Accounts

Home appliance brand KitchenAid jumped into the political arena with a controversial Tweet sent during the presidential debate Wednesday night, and is struggling today to climb back out into the domestic realm.

A KitchenAid employee took to the company's Twitter handle to send out a disparaging remark about Obama and his grandmother during the debate, inciting a barrage of re-Tweets and comments from other users.

"Obamas gma even knew it was going 2 b bad! 'She died 3 days b4 he became president'," the Tweet said.

The message was quickly deleted and replaced by a more on-brand message, which apologized for the Obama remark.

"Deepest apologies for an irresponsible tweet that is in no way a representation of the brand's opinion," the second message read.

KitchenAid also said that the offensive message was accidentally Tweeted to the corporate account by a member of the company's Twitter team. The person meant to send the message through a personal Twitter account, the company said today.

The individual will no longer be tweeting for KitchenAid, they said.

Many Twitter applications allow users to post Tweets to multiple accounts by toggling among different screens. In September, a Microsoft employee who Tweets from the company's corporate account sent a message from the Microsoft Twitter handle criticizing political analyst Ann Coulter.

"@RBReich your granddaughter's level of discourse and policy > those of Ann Coulter," the tweet read.

The employee deleted the message quickly, but the company soon released a statement explaining that the tweet in no way represented Microsoft and the person had meant to send the message through a personal account.