PM Note: What's Going on In Ohio? Minnesota Tea Leaves, More Benghazi Questions, Sandy on the March

Sandy, Sandy… It's already led to cancelled events by Mitt Romney and Joe Biden. What other havoc will the Freakish Frankenstorm wreak on 2012? - (Emily Friedman)

Totally Meaningless Tea Leaf - Man has Romney 'R' tattooed on his face. So in order for that guy to never regret his decision…

Minnesota - Not-So-Meaningless Tea Leaf - Michael Falcone reports: Both the Obama campaign and the Romney campaign are now on the air in Minnesota - a state that has been rated solidly Democratic, but where reliable public polling is hard to come by -

What's Going On In Ohio? - Amy Walter explains: Why does Obama continue to hold a small lead in that state while national polls have the race a dead heat?

The three most recent Ohio polls (CNN, Time, and CBS/Quinnipiac) show President Obama with a lead of 4-5 points. Meanwhile, the latest ABC/Washington Post national tracking poll has the race a dead heat, with Romney at 49 percent and Obama at 48 percent.

How is that possible?

Three things: Democrats, white voters, and men.

Full Post -

11 Days to Go - Romney 49 - Obama 48 - Today's ABC News / Washington Post national tracking poll shows a slight tick away from Romney, although he is still a slight tick ahead - 49-48. Everything is happening in slight ticks. But Langer points out some interesting developments - and maybe good news for Romney - where it comes to the swing state ground game -

Obama Says He Had Not Been Aware of Prior Security Requests from Diplomats in Libya - . (Jake Tapper)

Father of Slain Former SEAL, New Report, Raise Questions About Response to Attack- (Jake Tapper)

Takes Questions on Fox News Benghazi Report in Denver Local News Interview -

Ryan's Red State Tour - ABC's Shush Walshe brings us this report: Only 11 days before Election Day, why is Paul Ryan visiting solidly red states like Alabama, South Carolina and Georgia? It's not for votes but cash. Despite Thursday's announcement that the Romney campaign had $169 million cash on hand and there is limited air time left to buy in the battleground states, Ryan was fundraising Friday, making stops in Greenville, S.C., and Huntsville, Ala. This was the final money-hauling day on the GOP vice presidential nominee's schedule, according to a Romney aide.

Harry Reid Okay After Car Crash -

Pop Quiz - How Many Toyota Camrys Could You Buy With the $2 Billion 2012 Campaigns Have Spent? -

Oversimplification of the Day - Romney supporters are men who drink Coors Light and wear Under Armour, Obama supporters are women who wear Levis and drink Heineken. At least according to a dissection of Twitter data turned into a cartoon by Now This -

Sununu Clarifies for Powell 'Race' Comment - Univision's Fabian: Sununu said, "When you have someone of your own race that you're proud of being president of the United States, I applaud Colin for standing with him." Powell, who endorsed Obama over John McCain in 2008, cited the president's plans on the economy, healthcare and education in backing him again. He also expressed doubts about Republican nominee Mitt Romney's foreign policy positions. Later Thursday night, Sununu tried to back away from his statement. "Colin Powell is a friend and I respect the endorsement decision he made and I do not doubt that it was based on anything but his support of the president's policies," he said in a statement.

Romney Delivers Closing Argument, Touts Big Change-Mitt Romney delivered a closing argument here today, repackaging his familiar talking points into a prepared speech that promoted his idea of a "big change" election. (Emily Friedman)

Biden Says GOP's Social Policy Channels 'Mad Men' - Vice President Joe Biden said Friday that the Republican Party is living in the world of Don Draper when it comes to social policy, evoking the popular television show "Mad Men" to make his point to the college-age audience in Oshkosh (Arlette Saenz)

Obama Tells MTV He'd Leave Gay Marriage Up to States - When asked if he would use his second term as a platform to overturn the federal ban on gay marriage, the president demurred, saying he viewed it as an issue for the states to decide. "For us to try to legislate federally into this area is probably the wrong way to go," Obama told MTV presenter Sway Calloway, who asked questions submitted by youth voters. (Gregory Krieg)

Five Questions 'This Week' With Abby Huntsman-This week I asked Abby Huntsman - a host at HuffPost Live and daughter to former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman - to answer five questions. Huntsman, a "This Week" alum, offered her thoughts on the last presidential debate, her father's run for the GOP nomination for president and Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock's controversial comments on rape. (Benjamin Bell)

Hillary Clinton Unplugged: The Secretary of State's 'Human Moments'-Today, we celebrate Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's 65th birthday. Clinton faced many critics as first lady and a presidential candidate in 2008, but she seems to have hit her stride as secretary of state. Diplomatic successes aside, Clinton has won the international crowds over with her more lighthearted moments. Whether she's abroad or at home, Hillary shines when she lets her guard down. See some of her best unscripted moments here. (Jilian Fama)

Biden Pauses Campaign for McGovern Prayer Service-With 11 days left before election day, Vice President Biden joined hundreds gathered at the First United Methodist Church in Sioux Falls, S.D. to pay respect to the late Sen. George McGovern. (Arlette Saenz)

As Veep Chances Rise in Polls, Ryan Still Spends Millions to Keep Congressional Seat-Paul Ryan is spending millions on ads in Wisconsin, but it's not to help get the GOP ticket to the White House, it's to keep his congressional seat … of course, it can't hurt. (Shushannah Walshe)