Biden's Prediction: Ohio Will Win it for Obama

LANCASTER, Ohio - Vice President Joe Biden wrapped up his campaigning in Ohio Sunday night, telling a crowd packed into the gymnasium at Rushville Middle School that Ohio will tip this election in President Obama's favor Tuesday night.

"Folks you've been incredibly patient. 48 more hours and it will be all she wrote. We'll know what's going on, and we're going to be able to declare because of Ohio that we have won the election in 48 hours," Biden said to applause from the crowd.

In an interview Sunday afternoon, Biden predicted the Obama-Biden ticket would have a decisive victory in the electoral college with the help of their firewall of states in the Midwest - Iowa, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

"I think that we're going to win. I don't think it's going to be close in the Electoral College. I think we're going to win clearly," Biden said in an interview with MSNBC's Chris Matthews in Lakewood, Ohio. "I think we're going to win this state, Ohio. I've been in here 23, 24 days, something like that. I think we're going to win Iowa, we're going to win Wisconsin, we're going to win Nevada, we're going to win New Hampshire. I think we've got an even chance of winning Virginia and Florida."

"It could be a big win, and it also could be close. But I think the firewall here of Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa - I think it's going to hold firm," the vice president added.

In one of his shortest speeches to date - clocking in at around sixteen minutes - Biden outlined how the GOP ticket has abandoned the principles of their party even joked about who is leading the Republican ticket - Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan.

"One of the fundamental differences between Barack and me and Ryan and Romney, and Romney and Ryan," Biden said correcting himself. "That's the right order although they're not sure sometimes."

Biden will spend his last day on the trail campaigning in Virginia Monday, and on Tuesday, he will cast his ballot in Wilmington, Delaware before heading to Chicago for Tuesday night. But before he left Ohio, a state he's visited eleven times this year, Biden made one final declaration of how the Buckeye State will help the Democrats solidify a win in this election.

"Folks, we need you. Together we can win Ohio, and if we win Ohio, we win this election," he said.