Petraeus Paramour Paula Broadwell's Lost License Found in D.C. Park - ABC News

Petraeus Paramour Paula Broadwell's Lost License Found in D.C. Park

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A jogger recently discovered the North Carolina driver's license of Paula Broadwell, the woman whose affair with David Petraeus led to his resignation as CIA director, in Rock Creek Park in Washington, D.C., Maryland Park Police told ABC News.

Broadwell has often discussed how she went running with the former general when she was interviewing him for the biography of him she co-authored, "All In: The Education of General David Petraeus."

The license was turned in to the police by a jogger with the Maryland Park Police, but was initially discovered in Washington D.C. According to a Park Police spokesman, the park police notified the FBI's Washington Field Office and will hold it for 90 days.

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The affair between Broadwell and Petraeus was discovered after another woman, Jill Kelley, reported receiving what she called harassing emails were traced to the account of Broadwell. Investigators are said to have found intimate emails in Broadwell's inbox that pointed to the affair with Petraeus. Petraeus announced his resignation as CIA director on Friday.

Broadwell is believed to be staying at her brother's residence in the Mt. Pleasant neighborhood in Washington, which is near Rock Creek Park. The park extends from central Washington into Maryland and is popular with runner and cyclists.