PM Note: Boehner Off Obamacare, On Immigration, Romney and Demography, How GOP Can Recover With Latinos - ABC News

PM Note: Boehner Off Obamacare, On Immigration, Romney and Demography, How GOP Can Recover With Latinos

Boehner to Diane Sawyer on Repealing Obamacare - "Well, I think the election changes that. It's pretty clear that the president was reelected, Obamacare- is the law of the land. I think there are parts- of- the healthcare law that- are gonna be very difficult to implement. And very expensive. And as- the time when we're tryin' to find a way to create a path- toward a balanced budget-everything has to be on the table."

Sawyer: But you won't be spending the time next year trying to repeal Obamacare?

Boehner: There certainly may be parts of it that we believe- need to be changed. We may do that. No decisions at this point.

His follow-up Tweet - @SpeakerBoehner ObamaCare is law of the land, but it is raising costs & threatening jobs. Our goal has been, and will remain, #fullrepeal.

Boehner on Immigration Reform - "It's an important issue that I think oughta be dealt with. There's- this issue has been around far too long. And while- I'm- believe it's important for us to secure our borders and to enforce our laws- I think a comprehensive approach is long overdue. And I'm confident- that- the president, myself, others- can find the common ground to take care of this issue once and for all."

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On the Fiscal Cliff and Obama's Ideas - "I'm the most reasonable, responsible person here in Washington. The president knows it. He knows that he and I can work together. The election's over. Now it's time to get to work."

But - raising tax rates is "unacceptable" to House Speaker Boehner as he prepares to open negotiations on the looming "fiscal cliff" with the president and congressional Democrats.

"Frankly, it couldn't even pass the House. I'm not sure it could pass the Senate."

Big Fix Should Wait - More Boehner: "There are things that we can do in the lame duck to avert the fiscal crisis, but we want to do this the right way. We don't want to rush through this the next two to three weeks. And what do you get? You can't rewrite the tax code the next two or three weeks. And, so, there's a lot of possibilities in terms of how we proceed, and I'm confident that we can."

Paul Ryan Isn't GOP's Leader; He's a Policy Wonk - "Because he ran for the vice presidency, is he the leader of the Republican party now?" Sawyer asked.

"Oh, I wouldn't think so. Paul Ryan's a policy wonk," Boehner said. "He's involved in the cause of trying to bring us pro-growth economic agendas for America and making sure that we're doing this in a fiscally responsible way.

Full write-up from John Parkinson is here -

Obama will Travel to Burma on Historial Asian Tour -

Romney in an Obama Cabinet? - George Stephanopoulos takes viewer questions - He's doubtful, but he does expect some high level business execs in his 2nd term cabinet

Freaking Out: The Best of the Worst Responses to Obama's Win - (Greg Krieg)

Demography Not The Only Reason Romney Lost - Amy Walter: I'm not a trained demographer but I can say with certainty that: 1) This country is not getting any whiter and 2) older people die. If winning an election depends on appealing to and then turning out a base of old, white people you are going to lose every presidential election from here on out. That model may still be enough to help Republicans win midterm elections - older and white voters turn out at higher level than minorities and young people in off-year elections. But if I were running the RNC in 2016 I would work hard to try and embrace reality rather than trying to justify an alternate universe. More important, demography alone wasn't the only trend working in Obama's favor: 1) VOTERS WERE FEELING BETTER ABOUT THE DIRECTION OF THE COUNTRY 2) VOTERS WERE FEELING BETTER ABOUT THE ECONOMY AND OBAMA'S HANDLING OF IT 3) ROMNEY NEVER OPENED A GAP IN 'TRUST TO HANDLE THE ECONOMY' 4) OBAMA'S JOB APPROVAL NEVER DROPPED AND CONTINUED TO CLIMB

2012: The Rise of the Liberal? - the broader trend of Tuesday night's results was not just a victory for Democrats, it was a victory for the party's liberal base. (Elizabeth Hartfield)

On Latinos; GOP Has a Deep Bench; 2012 Loss Could Spur Immigration Reform - It is short-sighted to suggest that the Republican Party is doomed in the long run because Romney lost the presidency in 2012. And while Democrats unquestionably do better at election time with voters of color, Republicans have made headway recruiting, promoting and electing Latinos to high-profile positions. Democrats don't have any Latino governors; Republicans have two. Democrats have one Latino U.S. senator; so do Republicans. Democrats are better represented in the House of Representatives.

Rick Perry's immigraton views didn't get him the Republican presidential nomination, but they have made him the longest-serving Texas governor in a state with a significant Latino population (12 years). He won 34 percent of Latinos when he was re-elected in 2010 for the third time. Brian Sandoval, the Hispanic Republican governor of Nevada, won 33 percent of Latinos that same year. There are four U.S. states with so-called majority minority populations: California, Texas, New Mexico and Hawaii.

Two of them - Texas and New Mexico - have Republican governors. The other two had a Republican governor until 2010. Arizona is not a majority-minority state, but it is close. Thirty-four percent of Hispanics went for Gov. Jan Brewer in 2010 at the height of debate about her controversial law that enabled local and state police to ask for proof of citizenship.

There are seven states in which more than 50 percent of the children born are nonwhite. They include Nevada, which has a Republican Latino governor, Florida, which has a Republican Latino senator, and Arizona.

And here's why all that could lead to reform -

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