Ryan Brings His Kids to Vote, Predicts Victory

JANESVILLE, Wisc. - Paul Ryan and his wife Janna took their three young children with them to vote this morning telling reporters that after two and a half months on the road "it felt good waking up in my hometown."

When asked after he voted at the Hedberg Public Library here if his ticket will be victorious tonight Ryan answered, "I think we are, I feel good about it."

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Ryan also told a conservative radio show in Denver this morning that he can "see the finish line" and Mitt Romney will win because of increased enthusiasm.

"I do think think it's going to go our way," Ryan told KNUS Denver radio. "I think the enthusiasm…the enthusiasm is palpable, it's just incredible."

Dressed in a dark suit and silver tie, he told reporters "I feel great today."

"It's a great tradition," Ryan said after voting. "It's Election Day. I'm very excited to be here. I've been voting here a long time."

He laughed when asked who he is voting for, answering, "It will be suspenseful."

The GOP vice presidential nominee held his final rally of the 2012 campaign late Monday night in Milwaukee and he said today "it felt good coming to this neighborhood I grew up in."

"I went to junior high about 60 yards that way," Ryan said of the polling place. "So it's great to be here in my hometown."

Ryan and his wife moved ahead of voters in line and while the woman registering them could not immediately find their name, the Ryans' 10-year-old daughter Liza could, pointing to the page and reading, "Paul D. Ryan."

Ryan took his youngest child, 7-year-old Sam as well as Liza with him as he filled out his ballot.

After voting, he quickly headed to his campaign plane receiving hugs from family traveling with him today including mom Betty Douglas, brothers Tobin and Stan Ryan, as well as their families before boarding.

He heads next to Cleveland, Ohio, for an event with his running mate before making another quick stop in Richmond, Va. He will then travel to Boston for their election night party and to watch the returns.