Two-Thirds of Latinos and Half of All Voters See Romney Policies Favoring the Rich

By better than 2-1, Latino voters nationally say Republican nominee Mitt Romney's policies would benefit the rich over the middle class, while half say the policies of President Obama have mostly favored middle class Americans, according to preliminary exit poll results.

Two-thirds of Latinos (68%) who voted Tuesday say Romney's policies favor the rich, more than double the share (26%) who say they help the middle class. Less than 1% said Romney favors the poor. Among all voters, the views of Romney were only less one-sided. Still, about half (53%) said Romney's plans for the country would help the rich more than the middle class (34%) or poor (2%).

About half (51%) of all Latinos nationally say that Obama's polices have mostly helped the middle class more than the rich (5%) or the poor (28%), according to preliminary exit poll results. Among all voters, four-in-ten (44%) say the president has helped the middle class more than the rich (10%) or poor (31%).