Sen. Marco Rubio Concedes to His Thinning Hair

ABC News
Marco Rubio has a lot of things going for him. The freshmen senator from Miami is youthful, telegenic and very popular with his party. But Rubio, 41, has a growing or, rather, thinning problem: his hair line.
Rubio is balding, Esquire magazine's style blog points out.
"Elle Medico, men's hair stylist at Paul Labrecque Salon in New York says, 'the sides of his hair are so dramatically thick compared to the top that it's making his hair look even thinner. He should cut the top shorter and texturize both the top and sides. No more than an inch and a half on top - and ask for layers up there to add body,'" Esquire wrote.
Rubio acknowledged his thinning hair via a response on twitter.
" # Esquire report on having less hair than I once did is sadly true. But good news is I am still in upper 2% in Senate. " he tweeted to his followers.
The GOP up-and-comer is often cited as a strong potential presidential candidate for 2016, but ABC News puts forth the deep question, when was the last time America elected a bald president?
The answer, determined by our very scientific assessment of what qualifies as bald, is Dwight Eisenhower, when he was re-elected in 1956.