Senators Watch 'Lincoln' with Steven Spielberg and Daniel Day-Lewis - ABC News

Senators Watch 'Lincoln' with Steven Spielberg and Daniel Day-Lewis

Grab the popcorn: Its movie night tonight in the Senate.

The Senate has taken an official recess from floor debate for a few hours to screen the movie "Lincoln" in the Capitol Visitors Center within the Capitol complex.

Appearing with director Steven Spielberg and actor Daniel Day-Lewis on Capitol Hill this evening, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said that he hopes the message of the movie with resonate with senators and the American people.

"I hope everybody who shared his anti-political mood will go out there and see Lincoln. The movie portrays a nobility of politics in exactly the right way," Reid said.

All senators and their spouses were invited to tonight's special screening. Without mentioning the fight over the fiscal cliff going on within the halls of Congress as the clock clicks closer to a deadline, Reid said tonight's screening is an opportunity for "bipartisanship," among the members.

"For me, it's what I work with every day but it's good the American people have seen or will see what the great Abraham Lincoln did to get things done," Reid said. "It's remarkable."

Spielberg said he was honored to show his movie in the Senate and to be able to see '"both sides sitting in the same room watching a president put the people out in front of the abyss."

Because even senators need snacks, a special waiver was granted by the Senate Rules Committee to allow popcorn in for the screening.